Robert Shetterly

Artist: Americans Who Tell the Truth series

Story about Robert Shetterly

Artist Hero: Robert Shetterly

By: David Kemker
Robert Shetterly paints portraits of Americans who have acted with courage to do the right thing.


Truth Tellers [Trailer]

Richard Kane
Truth Tellers is both a story of Shetterly’s art and activism and a history lesson in what it means to be a citizen of a democracy.

Robert Shetterly speaks at MY HERO's International Day of Peace Celebration

Produced by:The MY HERO Project

Robert Shetterly Discusses Americans Who Tell the Truth at MY HERO Salon Event

Produced by:The MY HERO Project
Robert Shetterly Discusses Americans Who Tell the Truth at MY HERO Salon Event

Robert Shetterly

Produced by:The MY HERO Project
Artist, Robert Shetterly discusses his series, americans who tell the truth

Eva Haller Salon - Robert Shetterly

By: Eva Haller

Artwork by Robert Shetterly: Americans Who Tell the Truth

Ron Kovic by Robert Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly
Ron Kovic, author, activist and peacemaker is painted by Robert Shetterly for Americans Who Tell the with Ron's words indicting war in the background

Martin Luther King, Jr. By Robert Shetterly, AWTT

By: Robert Shetterly
Portrait of Civil Rights Leader MLK Jr by Robert Shetterly, Americans Who Tell the

Rachel Carson by Roberty Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly
Often referred to as "The Mother of the Environmental Movement," Carson worked hard to raise awareness of the environmental and health risks caused by chemicals

Jane Addams by Robert Shetterly, AWTT

By: Robert Shetterly, Americans Who Tell the Truth
Social reformer Jane Addams as painted by Robert Shetterly, Americans Who tell the Truth

Oren Lyons

By: Robert Shetterly
Native-American Faithkeeper, Human Rights Advocate, Environmental Activist: b. 1930 "The law says if you poison the water, you'll die. The law says that if you poison the air, you'll suffer. The law says if you degrade where you live, you'll suffer. If you don't learn that, you can only suffer. There's no discussion with this law."

Mother Jones by Robert Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly
From the 1890s through the 1920s Mother Jones, (Mary Harris) worked to advance the abolition of child labor and the organizing of the United Mine Workers.

Alice Walker by Robert Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly
Alice Walker, African American author of Color Me Purple, painted by Robert Shetterly

Chief Joseph Hinmton Yalektit by Robert Shetterly

By: Robert Shetterly
Portrait of Chief Yalektit by Robert Shetterly, Americans Who Tell the

Helen Thomas

By: Robert Shetterly
Author, journalist, columnist 1943 - 2013 Pioneering female reporter; first female member of the White House press corps

Walt Whitman by Robert Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly
Walt Whitman, iconic American poet by Robert Shetterly of Americans Who Tell the

John Muir by Robert Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly
Conservationist, naturalist and explorer, John Muir (1838 - 1914) was a well-written and outspoken advocate for conservancy.

Daniel Ellsberg by Robert Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly from Americans Who Tell the Truth
Daniel Ellsberg decided to expose the Pentagon Papers which helped end the Vietnam War.

Sister Lucy Poulin

By: Robert Shetterly
"We must realize the truth of ourselves -- we are one human family. One a part of the other. My old work horse Teddy and the fancy registered horse visiting us had no trouble eating out of the same dish. We must discover the same." Member and leader of Homeworkers Organized for More Employment; recognized for fighting unemployment, illiteracy, and despair among the rural poor in northern Maine.

Frederick Douglass by Robert Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly
Portrait of Civil War era African American hero Frederick Douglass by Robert Shetterly, Americans Who Tell the Truth

Winona LaDuke

By: Robert Shetterly, Americans Who Tell the Truth

Noam Chomsky by Robert Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly
Noam Chomsky is an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, political activist, and social critic

Eugene V. Debs by Robert Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly
Debs was a co-founder of the Industrial Workers of the World (aka the Wobblies), and one of the first national industrial unions in the US, the American Railway Union. He spent time in jail for the Pullman Car Strike and for speaking out against America's involvement in World War I. He ran for US President five times as a socialist. He

Louis Studs Terkel by Robert Shetterly, AWTT

By: Robert Shetterly
Terkel wrote "The Good War": An Oral History of World War Two which won the Pulitzer Prize; Hard Times: An Oral History of the Great Depression; and Working.

Paul Robeson by Robert Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly
Singer, Writer, Civil Rights Activist: 1898 - 1976 "The talents of an artist, small or great, are God given. They've nothing to do with him as a private person; they're nothing to be proud of. They're just a sacred trust... Having been given, I must give. Man shall not live by bread alone, and what the farmer does I must do. I must feed the people-with my songs."

Lateefah Simon by Robert Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly
Working for incarcerated youth, Lateefah Simon is a hero for children's rights and rehabilitation

Marian Wright Edelman

By: Robert Shetterly
This painting is from Robert Shetterly's portrait series, "Americans Who Tell the Truth."

Elizabeth Cady Stanton by Robert Shetterly, AWTT

By: Robert Shetterly
Portrait of women's rights activist Elizabeth Cady Stanton by Robert Shetterly

Robert F. Kennedy by Robert Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly
Politician, Social Justice advocate and brother of late US President John F Kennedy

Howard Zinn

By: Robert Shetterly
Activist, author and playwright known for A People's History of the United States

Abraham Lincoln

By: Robert Shetterly
Portrait of Abraham Lincoln by Robert Shetterly and from Americans Who Tell the Truth

Bill McKibben by Robert Shetterly.

By: Robert Shetterly

Susan B Anthony by Robert Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly
Portrait of womens rights activist Susan B Anthony by Robert Shetterly

Woody Guthrie by Robert Shetterly

By: Robert Shetterly
Americans Who Tell The Truth - portraits and quotes by Robert Shetterly

Pete Seeger by Robert Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly
Portrait of musician activist Pete Seeger

Shirley Chisholm by Robert Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly
"Prejudice and hatred built the nation’s slums, maintains them and profits by them…. we are exposed as hypocrites when we talk about making people free."

Zora Neale Hurston by Robert Shetterly, AWTT

By: Robert Shetterly, Americans Who Tell the Truth
Zora Neale Hurston was an American author and playwright during the Harlem Renaissance.

John Lewis by Robert Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly
Civil Rights hero John Lewis as painted by Robert Shetterly

Cesar Chavez by artist Robert Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly, Americans Who Tell the Truth
Cesar Chavez by Robert Shetterly, Americans Who Tell the Truth

Harry Hay (1912 - 2002)

By: Robert Shetterly
Henry "Harry" Hay, Jr. was an advocate for American gay rights, communism, labor, and Native American civil rights. He has been called "the father of gay liberation."

Helen Keller by Robert Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly
Helen Keller, advocate for the disabled

Malcolm X

By: Robert Shetterly
African-American leader and prominent figure in the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X articulated concepts of race pride and black nationalism in the 1950s and '60s

Claudette Colvin

By: Robert Shetterly
Robert Shetterly of Americans Who Tell the Truth has painted a portrait of the brave young African-American girl who would not give up her bus seat in 1955

Rosa Parks by Robert Shetterly

Rosa Parks by Robert Shetterly, , 2002 Americans Who Tell the Truth "The only tired I was, was tired of giving in." - Rosa Parks -

William Sloane Coffin by Robert Shetterly,

By: Robert Shetterly
William Sloane Coffin was a clergyman and anti-war activist vehemently opposed the Vietnam War, painted by Robert Shetterly for Americans Who Tell the Truth

Granny Doris Haddock by Robert Shetterly, AWTT

By: Robert Shetterly
Peace and democracy activist Granny D Haddock by Robert Shetterly

Samantha Smith

By: Robert Shetterly
Samantha Reed Smith (June 29, 1972 - August 25, 1985) was an American schoolgirl from Manchester, Maine, who became known as "America's Youngest Ambassador" in the United States and the "Goodwill Ambassador" in the Soviet Union during her short lifetime.

Robert Shetterly Portrait Contest Details

Call for Entries - Robert Shetterly Portrait Contest
Credit: Robert Shetterly
•Professional artists and students- you are welcome to submit one or more hero portraits as an entry or multiple entries!

Works of art submitted will be judged by Robert Shetterly, artist founder of Americans Who Tell the Truth and the MY HERO Gallery staff!


Each work of art can represent someone you admire who has done something significant - for you, for your community or for our planet.


Each of work of art can illustrate an heroic act that has impacted your world or our society as a whole.


All winning entries will also be shared with students around the world online on


Submit artwork using MY HERO's CREATE Program

Robert Shetterly's Website: Americans Who Tell the Truth

American's Who Tell the Truth Website
Credit: AWTT

These Speaking Truth to Youth videos reflect AWTT belief that their portrait subjects are not superheroes but real people whose work is driven by moral courage and a passion for truth and justice. 

Speaking Truth to Youth
Credit: AWTT

AWTT Samantha Smith Challenge

Samantha Smith Challenge
Credit: AWTT

Americans Who Tell the Truth is sponsoring The Samantha Smith Challenge. The Samantha Smith Challenge (SSC) is a dynamic educational program for middle and high school students that uses the creative arts to build a bridge between the classroom and the world as students become compassionate, courageous, and engaged citizens. SSC projects teach students that, no matter what age, they can be part of solving the challenges and problems they see around them and work for the common good.

Organizer created on 8/23/2021 12:34:07 PM by Laura Nietzer

Last edited 9/11/2024 2:53:20 PM by Laura Nietzer