The MY HERO Project | Library

Rosa Parks (Penguin Lives)

By David A. Adler

Publisher: Holiday House, Inc., April 1995
ISBN: 082341177X
MY HERO recommends this book to children readers.
A biography of the Alabama black woman whose refusal to give up her seat on a bus helped establish the civil rights movement.
User Reviews:
Lacy | 2/17/2016 11:41 AM
Hi love you rosa parks🙋😳💖💓
Ashelyn | 2/17/2016 11:38 AM
I love the books of rosa parks they are intresting and kind😇😢😍
abigail | 11/18/2011 3:55 PM
I am so proud of Rosa , because it is hard to fight for civil rights thank her we dont have to have no more "colored" THANKS A LOT!
Dashanquie Johnson | 5/19/2011 4:57 AM
Dear Rosa Parks , What You Have Done Was Inspiring && Thanks For Our Freedom On Buses
| 2/9/2011 6:23 AM
Rosa parks was a very peaceful person when she wants to be but when she got into it with that bus driver and the white man got into it. I think she had the right to sit down in that seat because she had to work all day. If i was rosa parks i would have stayed in that seat and still would not have got up when the cops came
deleysia louisville,kentucky | 3/3/2010 11:54 AM
thank you rosa parks for everything you've done to help us i wish u were aliv so i could meet u i know you got threatened i see how u feel i go threw  it alot and most time if you were still alive here today i would show you so much respect as i do to other adults i wish that could have sat there next to u fighting for freedom and being there to help you with out u i probably wouldnt have my trust worthy friends now i met them on the bus sometimes i look back to myself and say woah i wish could have done what rosa parks have done it would make a big difference in my life when you were alive wish that i  could have been there with you now i have to go but still thank for the support youve honored for this whole world it made a huge difference thank you. P.S this is just a letter that i would write to u if u were alive.
vanessa | 3/3/2010 5:01 AM
i love rosa like she is my hero im glad i found this website i have a bff and she is black it wouldnt be possible with out rosa :)
patrisha | 3/3/2010 4:55 AM
Hi Rosa,my class is head over heels about u cause u are cool!!!!U made my life a lot easer.u rock!! U risked ur life to make so many lifes easier!!I wish i could meet u!!!
taylor | 3/3/2010 4:35 AM
rosa parks is my hero i love her cuz my bff is black and it wouldnt be ok wit out her
toyin | 2/9/2010 10:31 PM
you are awesome
Teriel | 5/13/2009 2:47 AM
Mrs.Parks was a very inspiring woman she was i a wonderful woman who refuse to give up her seat on the montgomery bus in alabama
francesca norelus | 3/21/2009 10:50 PM
i love your book its like how rosa parks life really began and end
ronnimower | 3/11/2009 4:47 AM
sorry you died
dianna | 3/4/2009 6:19 AM
that was so awesome knowing that what she did to fight for civil rights by sitting on the bus and refusing to move and she has taught us a lesson and it taught me that you should stand up for your self and that what she  has taught me
llana | 2/25/2009 12:40 AM
i love u so much but its sad that your dead right know this is a comment to u i love your books im 29 years old thank u
krista | 2/20/2009 11:49 AM
hey i am doing a report on black history moth and i thought it would be really cool
to do you because there is so much new stuff im learning about
Alessio 1/7/2009 | 1/6/2009 3:09 AM
Rosa Parks, I am reading the book,to my Book Report, she was a woman extrairdiry
sofie lofie | 12/8/2008 8:36 AM
i luv u rosa arks ur my true hero
Mariam Barakah | 11/23/2008 5:25 AM
You have inspired all of us that we can accomplish anything if we set our goals high, You stood up for yourself alone thats amazing.....we have you remembered in our hearts
Alyssa | 5/8/2008 10:41 PM
Hey I think what you did was amazing and outstandiing. And to change the little kids life about doing the right thng is one thing that is great and im very thankufl for your choice in life and how you have made a big change in my life and i just want say thank you from the bottom of my heart. And it would have been so great to have met you in real life you are and will be forever my hero till the day i die and then on!!! And you will for ever live on it my heart and soul and life! So just so you know you are very extordinary person and stood for what you know is right and you made a great change in peolpes life. Thanks for your time,
kiraridley | 4/9/2008 2:14 AM
i feel that you are very constructive on you book it was very very excellent .. i loved reading it ..
Kimberly S. | 3/20/2008 5:48 AM
I am 4ever grateful 4 Rosa Parks
evelyn | 2/25/2008 3:42 AM
i liked the rosa park book very much
demarcia | 2/24/2008 10:43 PM
Rosa parks is a extraordinary person because she stood up against racism and stood up for herself.It was even harder for her because she was a woman and in those days things were much harder for woman.She was one of the black african american woman who made the boycott
silvana | 2/20/2008 11:14 PM
dear rosa parks
if it wasnt for you nobody would be on the bus.
everybody loved how you stood up for yourself and everybody in the whole wide world in fact the universe too.
brianna | 1/21/2008 8:31 AM
i wish i could meet rosa parks she sounds so cool and just by doing this project and looking things up about her on the computer i feel  like i knew rosa parks for my whole life she is a very brave women and she has alot of curage she is my #1 hero            P.S.i have alot of other #1 heros but rosa parks is one of my favorite #1 heros at of them all!!i really wish that i could go back in time or just be able to meet her and its just so cool to be able to have a computer and look up about all of these amazing people evan thow its a project that i have to do for school i am still going to look things up about her and bring this infermation into my class my teacher would thank me for doing that and maybe she thought that i worked very hard on it but i really just had fun with it but evan if she found out that i did it for fun she would thank me for bringig it in!!!!!!             Thanks For reading this!!!!!!!!!!!                              -brianna
| 10/4/2007 3:55 AM
Ithinkrosa parks is so brave I wish I could have met
vanessa b. | 4/1/2007 2:35 AM
hi, rosa parks you are a hero to me. i am doing a project on you and i have learned so much from you. you have contributed alot for are freedom.
Kriti Phillips | 3/5/2007 8:56 AM
It was an awsom book you have got to try it
Crystal | 2/14/2007 7:45 AM
Hi, I just want to thank you for standing and making a change in the black community, for not giving your seat and believing for what is right. thank you because if it wasn't for you we will still be seatin in the back of the bus.
amber | 2/13/2007 11:53 AM
Iam in first grade and i got a project on Rosa Parks i think what she did was good.I like to do the right thing and help people
jennifer | 2/11/2007 2:19 PM
hi! Rosa Parks thanks alot for the information i got a project and need to tell about you !!!!!!!!!!!!

Rosa Parks Rule
Mirna Makary | 2/9/2007 9:58 PM
Dearst rosa parks,i have an assigment i'm suppose to write an essay about a hero.In addition the first incredible name caught my ear is ur name from my teacher,classmates and everyone else since you are the most special incredible women ever.And guess what i will write about you rosa parks...I love you.
tiana | 2/2/2007 1:24 AM
you did a good thing.
Ava | 1/9/2007 2:45 AM
my coment is that rosa parks is my hero and that i would follow in her foot steps as long as i live
Kaylee | 11/30/2006 1:52 AM
Hi Rosa Parks i like your book very very very much.
Clarissa Smith | 11/29/2006 2:22 AM
Dear Rosa Parks,

Some people really do miss you beacuse you were a great and good citizen and I wish you were still alive today and you and Martin Luther King Jr.
Cindy Hamilton | 4/19/2006 11:58 PM
This book is great for little kids to try to understand who Rosa Parks is and what she did for herself and others around her.
Kenyella Claridy | 2/26/2006 10:44 PM
I love what you did for us and I love your
books about you, your books help me out for
my Hero  
matt paszczykowski | 2/21/2006 10:30 PM
thank you for giving freedom to blacks and whites because we would be getting jumped by a lot more gangs and other stuff. thank you Rosa Parks for doing that for us.
dumetz, dajoune | 2/21/2006 9:56 AM
thank u 4 what u did as a leader to our society
melissa smith | 2/14/2006 5:48 AM
rosa parks i have one word to say about her that explains her one word courage she stood up for what she thought was right she was right  she did the right thing
arnell | 2/7/2006 9:50 AM
thank you for standing up for what is right.
NGOUA MPANGO | 2/6/2006 3:27 AM

Tuskegee, Alabama -- The MY HERO Library Staff

caitlin | 1/30/2006 5:12 AM
The book is so good. She is my hero because she told us that black people should get more respect. I love Rosa Parks!!!
AMANDA | 11/30/2005 6:58 AM
Myann Randall | 9/21/2005 12:04 AM
I like how Rosa Parks stood up for what she believed in.
lilly | 7/28/2005 12:11 PM
hey rosa i really enjoy your books and i think you are an inspiration to us all and you are an amazing person.
JASMINE | 4/14/2005 3:05 AM
Nicole | 2/16/2005 7:18 AM
Rosa Parks is one of my heros the way she stood up for black and showed her feelings and what she thought. I admire her very much and I think it was fair to fight for blacks to be equal because no matter what race you are you are still people and she helped many people find this out.
iesha | 2/12/2005 12:31 AM
Brianna Bowers | 2/8/2005 9:01 AM
Hello my name is Brianna, I have read this book and it was an awsome story. I would recomend this to anyone. If you read it you will love it!
Stephanie Hunt and Jessica Haas | 2/7/2005 1:27 AM
We are doing project for Black History Month, and you are our person for the project. We have learned alot about you. We think that you did a very cool thing on December 1,1955. We love how you changed the way people think about blacks and their history. So we just want to say THANK YOU!!!!!

Ashley | 1/30/2005 5:48 AM
Hi Rosa I just wanted to tell you that I'm doing a book report on you and the things that I learned are that if you did not do what you did I would not have friends that are a different color, this world would not be the same, whites and blacks would not be able to go to the same schools and stuff and if I were you I would have done the same thing you will always be the mother of  the civil rights movement don't let any buddy tell you that you are not that you always will be and every body should respect that.
Jerry Hale | 1/26/2005 1:00 AM
Thank you for standing up for your rights and ours.  The respect you request from America made it better for everybody in America.  You have a very valuable museum in Montgomery on the campus of Troy State University.
nicole,polanco | 1/20/2005 3:03 AM
I really liked your book because it is very interesting and funny.
VANESSA GONZALEZ | 1/20/2005 3:01 AM
I Iike your book very much
MARGUARITA AND ARIEL | 1/19/2005 11:55 PM
sise | 1/15/2005 6:47 AM
this is a good book
Ana Cruz Segui | 11/19/2004 2:05 PM
Hi Rosa! You rock! I love how stood up for yourself, thanks for making our bus laws free! If u hadn't done that I would be sitting in back of the bus! Thanks a lot Rosa you helped our world a lot!  You really inspired me Rosa. I am more confident about myself.
mikayla caar | 11/19/2004 1:55 PM
i think rosa parks is the best. it's good that she stood up for herself! i think she's so cool. I am doing a report on her.
keyaiera Giles | 11/17/2004 9:44 AM
I love Rosa Parks. She encouraged me to be strong. Thank you
AMBER | 11/14/2004 11:28 PM
I really liked your book because all people should stand up for their rights. One day I would like to be just like you!
britt | 3/12/2004 6:30 AM
I love Rosa Parks! I'm doing a report on her and this book is informative. Thanks a lot.
wonnita smith | 2/9/2004 3:43 AM
I love rosa park she did the right thing for this world and i will always remeber her in my life.she was a wonderful woman, and she will always be in my heart and I'm doing a report on her for black history month.
Vanessa | 2/9/2004 2:15 AM
Hi Rosa Parks! I love to read your books. Your books have fascinated me .
bria | 2/1/2004 4:50 AM
I got  one  of your  books.  I love your book.
ARIELLE | 1/31/2004 5:37 AM
ASHLEY | 1/31/2004 5:34 AM
HI Rosa Parks,I just learned about you while doing a report for black history month about famous..I want you to know YOUR ARE MY HERO...THANKS FOR WHAT YOU DID .GOD BLESS
erica 1\26\2004 5:45:39 pm | 1/26/2004 7:55 AM
Hi Rosa Parks!  I always write about you when Black History Month comes.  I know mostly everything about you. THANKS for giving us bus freedom.  I really like your books.  I read them a lot.
michelle | 1/21/2004 10:21 PM
Hi Rosa Parks! I like to read your books. I read them to my cousin.

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