"Don't give up no matter how hard it gets."
My mother at Sacramento International Airport.personal photo What I think of a hero is somebody who does something to benefit another person. You don't have to save somebody's life, you can just do something nice. You can do something like give a homeless person money. That person could now see you as a hero.
Rosaicela Estrada is the person that I call my hero. Her childhood was very different from the childhood a lot of people have today. Now, people are so into technology and video games but before, there was a lot of people going to the park or a friend’s house to play sports or games like marbles, tag, or freeze tag. Something that was different from my mother’s childhood and other people's childhoods back then was that she was raised by only her father. Her mother left him to raise her by himself.
A challenge in Rosaicela Estrada’s life is being shy and not being able to interact with other people. Rosaicela Estrada would not be able to do some things because of this reason, including not being able to work. Rosaicela Estrada overcame being shy by force. When my grandfather became diagnosed with cancer, Rosaicela Estrada had to take care of him, his needs, talk to his support group, take him to every doctor visit and talk to the doctors there. She overcame being shy and helped her father. She was basically his “voice”.
Rosaicela Estrada is most proud of staying fit and helping others stay fit. She is a gym instructor. Her inspiration was wanting to help others the way she helped her father. Advice Rosaicela Estrada would give to young people is to do their best, never give up no matter how hard the situation, and don’t be a shy person. Shyness can stop you from doing lots of things so have a lot of friends and don’t be shy. Most importantly study and do your best in school. A thing Rosaicela Estrada would change is the fact that she is shy.
Anybody could be a hero. A hero doesn't have to save the world, or save someone's life, or have superpowers. They could just be a nice person or someone who helps someone or helps in a community.
Page created on 5/13/2019 8:32:28 PM
Last edited 5/20/2019 7:33:59 PM