
Susan Athey

by Eric from Los Angeles

Dr Susan Athey got her doctorate in her field of micro-economics at the age of 24 and was a graduate student at Stanford at age 20. Dr. Susan Athey developed new and elegant methods for solving mathematical models of economics which will help guide public policy. Dr. Susan Athey is a great role model because of the time it took her to reach theclimax of her career and how she exceed that which was expected of her at her age.

Dr. Susan Athey is a great role model to girls everywhere. She exceeded what was normal for her age and became what she wanted in life at an early age and has her whole life ahead of her. People like her should be honored.

Page created on 7/23/2001 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 7/23/2001 12:00:00 AM

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