
Sara Garcia

by Jackie Roman from United States

124607"Be a better you"Personal Photo  

Imagine your greatest nightmare. All around is nothing but darkness and figures surrounding you. All is silent but the occasional scratch on the wall. Your vase of what used to be red and pink roses now lay drooping over your desktop. Then imagine rays of sunlight peeking through the the cracks in your blinds. Then magically your drooping roses now transform to a beautiful bouquet of roses of all colors in your vase. That’s what Sara means to me, she is the ray of sunshine peeking through my blinds when I am surrounded by darkness, she's the magic that restores my flowers to health.

Sara’s my cousin, but she means so much more to me than just a family member. To me she is my hero, my guide to being a better me. She’s funny, joyful and an inspiration to me every day. Sara helps me feel like I can do good in the world, and that there is so much more to the world than just my room. She always makes me laugh, even in the darkest times. She always knows exactly what to say to me when I feel blue, and loves to give me advice when I need it the most.

  Sara has had her own mountains and valleys herself. She’s had close people passing (including her grandparents),her grandmother almost passing away from a heart attack and has chosen what’s best for her own life. But Sara’s has had her own heroes to inspire her, like her family. She always says how being around me helps brighten her day. She was always active as a little girl and was in soccer, orchestra, band, dance, teacher’s assistance and was a junior librarian. But she always found time, though, to make sure she does something good in the world.

  That’s why Sara Garcia is my hero. She helps me understand my place in the world and how many good things I can do in the world. Sara’s my magic in my life, the sunshine through my blinds, but most importantly she is My Hero!

Page created on 5/14/2018 5:37:08 PM

Last edited 5/30/2018 3:05:02 PM

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