Steven Seagal

by justin from Commerce City

When you ask me what I think of a hero, and what qualltys that a hero should have.I will probley would have of told you to look at a guy that you probley have see on Television Steven Seagol. He is a actor, producer,director,screenwriter,and also song writer. Plus the best of all Martial arts instructor. Also he is a buddist teacher.

Steven Seagol was born on April 10, 1952 Lansing,MI. He learned all of his education at the high school Buena Park. He went to the great Orange Coast College. That wasen't all, he also inrolled in at Fullerton College. He taught his Martial arts in Japan. Steven Seagol in also one of the hottest movie stars today.

You can tell that he has been busy in his love life. He has had about three wifes, but I am not for sure. Just about every hero you see they are about the same. I mean they have the same qualltys. Every hero should be braveharted, and they should not be able to stand up to any one. They should be protective of there personal values like his wife, and his kides.

The reason that I picked Steven Seagol is because when I was growing up when I was little I was always watching Steven Seagol on tv or in his moives. He has inspired me because he brave, heroic, and is not scared of any body that will come into his path. On his movies he would just beet the heack out of like SIX guys at one time. You know that is one bad guy.

I have gave so many reason why I choose Steven Seagol as one of my favorit heros. There are also some great things that I have explined about his life.

Page created on 12/12/2006 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 12/12/2006 12:00:00 AM

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