
See People

by Qadan Johnson from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in United States

147035MirrorQadan Johnsonabout life from the perspective of a mirror

I remember the first time I was in the store 
many people walked by me looked in me ask if I had the answer to there questions
they flick my tag and view my price
I spent 3 weeks staring at the same wall
in front of be a brown frame where I could see myself in
the tag on that one was eighty-seven
I loved being able to look at that big brown fame
 with her beautiful ridges with marks 
pretty frame where I could see myself I miss days
days where I spent hours look at myself through  others
and they would look through me 
it was like I knew what they needed in the short second I was with them
the looks on their faces brought me joy all the different people coming to see me 
as if I had something they wanted
It brought me joy knowing that I got to see different people each day
unlock such bright memories
the world has yet to see all of the people I see
I see from ages 1-108 
all the different cultures 
different styles
they all have something in common they have are humans at the end of that day 

Page created on 2/11/2022 2:44:59 PM

Last edited 2/11/2022 7:48:25 PM

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