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Sequoyah and the Cherokee Alphabet (Alvin Josephy''s Biography Series of American Indians)

By Robert Cwiklik, T. Lewis, Nancy Furstinger (Editor)

Publisher: Silver Burdett Pr; (September 1989)
ISBN: 0382095707
MY HERO recommends this book to children readers.
From the Publisher
Sequoyah's greatest achievement was the invention of a method for his people to write and read their own language. This great leader was celebrated not as a warrior, but as a man of ideas. Today, a statue of Sequoyah stands in the Capitol building in Washington D.C. He is a truly outstanding example of an Indian who made his mark on history.
User Reviews:
marcus | 1/10/2011 7:31 AM
i'm cherokee too so i thought that it be cool to have my hero be cherokee

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