
Stephanie Mainville

by Meaghan Moise from Cornwall, Ontario in Canada

139050Steph and Mrfacebook 

My hero is my sister, Stephanie Mainville. Steph is 24 and a very positive person and is always there for others. She grew up in Cornwall, Ontario. After high school, she moved to Ottawa, but she’s now back in Cornwall. She goes to St. Lawrence College and is wanting to become a social worker. My sister is my hero because she's a positive and generous person. 

My sister is my hero, as she is a positive person. She has been through a lot, and after everything, she's still succeeding in life and is doing very well. She is always trying to better herself every single day, fighting through what she struggles with. I look up to this quality of hers because it shows me that no matter what happens it will be okay. 

My sister is also my hero because of her kindness and generosity. She is always there for me when I need someone, like when I fight with my friends or parents, she's there to help me through it and I look up to her because of that. She always tries to make others happy and puts everyone before herself. I love this quality about my sister because it shows not to be selfish. 

To conclude, Steph is my hero because she is very positive and I hope to be as positive as her when I grow up.


My Interview With My Sister


1. Who is your hero and why?

My hero is my fiance. He is very courageous and determined to achieve his goals. He displays confidence under stress and takes risks. He is the kind of hero who will never change his inner values, even when it might be difficult. I have grown so well, as he has encouraged so patiently.


2. How do you stay so positive?

I stay positive by finding the optimistic viewpoint in a negative situation and by adding value and positivity to peoples lives; for example, helping out, listening and smiling! I also keep plants and earthy items with me to feel more at peace and grounded. I do believe that one of the things that keeps me so positive is getting enough sleep! I go to bed very early and sleep very well.


3. What made you want to go back to college?

The main reason I decided to return to college in 2017 was because I was tired of working for minimum wage. At the age of 21, I felt like I should have already gotten a diploma, a set job and part of my life figured out. I wanted a better life for myself and my dog. College has not been easy, and often I feel like I have wasted three potential working years of my life to sit in class, study, write term papers, exams for nothing, although I know once I graduate in April 2020, it will all be worth it.


4. Do you think we have any of the same qualities?

I believe we do have some of the same qualities! I will mention that one my my best qualities is setting boundaries. I have learned to set boundaries with clients, classmates, and coworkers in the past few years, and it is one of the very important skills to have as a Social Service Worker. I think you also have this skill, along with kindness and dependability.


5. What motivates you to keep doing better?

For a very long time, my dog Mr. was my motivation to do better because at the time he was all I had. Although he is still a very big reason, I also have my fiance and our future growing family that motivates me. I am looking forward to graduating, finding my career job and saving enough money to spoil my children, Mr. and my husband! It will be so nice to be financially comfortable and have stability. I look forward to living the life I have always dreamed of.


6. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?

I feel most grateful for being loved so properly. Healthy relationships are very important, and I can't stress enough how ignoring red flags can cause serious mental health issues. I am grateful for the love that I feel every day!


7. What is your your strongest quality?


Like I mentioned earlier, one of my strongest qualities is setting boundaries. I would like to believe that my next strongest quality would be making people feel important and loved. I enjoy making people happy, laugh, and smile.


8. Why do you want to become a social service worker?

The main reason I chose to become a Social Service Worker was initially because I wanted to become a case manager/counselor. While studying the program and experiencing what I have in college, I am very excited to graduate, get my diploma and start working in the field.


Page created on 3/12/2020 5:57:48 PM

Last edited 3/13/2020 12:30:22 AM

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