
Steve Jobs

by Kurosh Kuchekali from Del Norte High School

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower."


123632Steve “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” This was a quote from one of the greatest innovators and designer from the late 1970 to his death in 2011, Steve Jobs would change all of the general population with easily accessible and usable Personal Computers (PC), Laptops, and his many products like the iPhone. Steven Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, California. He was put up for a closed-adoption at birth and was taken by Paul and Clara Jobs. Steve would look up to his father who gave him the passion in electronics and marketing. These skills would transform Steve to what he is known by today. Steve Jobs would keep innovating not in electronics, but in animation and software design. He died on October 5, 2011 from Pancreatic Cancer. Heroes are considered to have super powers or some extraordinary power of some-sorts, but Steve Jobs has the power to change the entire industry that helps ordinary people. Steve Jobs is a hero because he has innovated and made computers a place for homes, making lives easier.

Steve Jobs was one of the brightest minds of this generation. He used his gift to make computers cheaper by using fewer parts and made them easier to use for the general populous use. “In 1977, the world was introduced to a personal computer that dramatically improved on the Apple I. Notably, the Apple II provided the entire personal computer package. It was pre-assembled, rather than in a kit. It is considered by many the first widely successful PC” (24/7 Wall Street). With the release of the Apple 2, it was much easier to use and cheaper than most competitors and it included the entire Personal Computer package. This put a pathway for future PC’s to look up too the Apple 2 design of the full package. Jobs revealed the iPhone in 2007, which was a computer that fit in your pocket, making it truly portable.  “A decade ago, Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone... Not everyone was convinced it would report the success of the iPod” (Telegraph). He made the iPhone, a touchscreen phone that uses the user’s finger and a phone with no 3G. People thought this was one of Apple’s worst products, but yet we use it daily in our lives. This proves that Jobs took his ideology of easy-to-use to his telephone line that could be used as a computer small enough to fit in your pocket. These innovations shaped the pathway for future PC’s and these innovations shaped the market in which the companies pushed for improvements.

123654Steve Jobs in 1985 with his new computer "Macintosh"allaboutstevejobs.comSteve Jobs has shaped the industry by making all entertainment and computers simple to use. He has made computers cheap enough have them be able to be bought by a regular person. “... With apple by democratizing the technology and making machines smaller, cheaper, intuitive, and accessible to easy use of consumers”(Gale Database). Jobs has made computers so easy to use that any person in the world can pick one up and start using it. This design philosophy has carried on to other companies and they have followed it too this day. He would also improve on animations and entertainment. ” He bought the company (Pixar) when it was part of Lucasfilm; he famously issued no commands other than to "just make it great." In Lasseter's words, "He supported us over nine years of losing money, writing a check out of his personal fortune weekly, every quarter. He took a huge gamble taking us public, setting the date a few days after the opening of Toy Story. And he called it. He nailed it"” (Gale Database) Job’s philosophy of simple carried onto the entertainment industry and this philosophy inspired other entertainers. This simple design mentality has been going on well past his life.

Steve Jobs revolutionary computers and philosophy in simple design has made him a hero in many people’s eyes. He made computers cheaper and faster for commercial use that anyone can pick up and use. Steve Jobs really inspired me due to his work, I went out and started to buy aftermarket computer parts and made computers out of these components. Even though they were slow to today’s standards, they have a big “ah-ha” moment when you complete one build. After his death, his impact on the world still lives onto future generations like Elon Musk.


Works Cited

Comen, Evan, et al. “The Cost of a Computer the Year You Were Born.” 247wallst.Com, 15 Apr. 2016,

Desmond, Joan Frawley. "Steve Jobs: An "Unwanted" Child." Human Life Review, vol. 37, no. 4, Fall2011, p. 126. EBSCOhost,

Junod, Tom. "Steve jobs, 2011-present: one year later, the question isn't is he missed? The question is why?" Esquire, Oct. 2012, p. 50+. Biography In Context, Accessed 26 Mar. 2018.

"Steven Paul Jobs." Notable Scientists from 1900 to the Present, edited by Brigham Narins, Gale, 2008. Biography In Context, Accessed 27 Mar. 2018.

“Steve Jobs.”, A&E Networks Television, 6 Nov. 2017,

Titcomb, James. “How the World Reacted to the First IPhone 10 Years Ago.” The Telegraph, Telegraph Media Group, 9 Jan. 2017,

Page created on 4/18/2018 9:17:46 PM

Last edited 4/22/2018 10:30:10 PM

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Related Links

Apple - Steve Jobs' computer electronics company
A Biography of Steve Jobs - More info on Steve Jobs