
Steve Austin

by tony d.

I did my hero on Stonecold Steveaustin. Stonecold Steveaustin was born on Dec. 18. Stonecold's real name is Steve Williams. All his life he dreamed of being a WWF wrestler.But they shut up down.But he didnt give up. he kept trying and trying. So he decided togo to WCW.

WCW took him in and they made him into Hollywood Blonde.He really liked who he was the first time he wrestled. The fans didnt they hated him. They booed him out of the arena. He was really mad. So he wanted to change his character. But Eric Bichof the owner of WCW said no. Steve got fired the nest day.

Steve was really upset.On the plane home he called his wife to tell her the bad news.At home he was thinking about his dream of becoming the greatest wrestler there ever was. So he yold himself that this was his dream and he wont give up.So Steve called WWF and they gave him a chnace finnly.But things werent alright yet. Steve didnt know what name he caould give himself. One day Steve was drinking coffee with his wife when she said drink your coffee before it turns stonecold, Steve said that was it im stonecold steve austin.

He went to WWF and they loved it.When stonecold first came out the fans hated him. But eevyrthing little bad thing he did. The fans loved it. They started to cheer for him. WWF owner vince mchaon thought this was crazy the mad where people was suppose to hate people loved. After everything thing he did the fans loved and cheered for steve.So they decided to let steve be the good guy. So from that day on steve became the number one guy in wrestling.

I choose stonecold steve austin as my hero because he dosent give up on things he's after, he's brave , strong, and he's not scared of anything

Page created on 1/9/2003 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 1/9/2003 12:00:00 AM

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