Stories, Art, Films from iEARN

MY HERO is a proud partner of the International Education And Resource Network -

Mohamed Sidibay
Credit: MY HERO

Mohamed Sidibay

By: Jaylin from Canada

The Mohamed Sidibay Story

Producer: Mohamed Sidibay / Mentored by Listen Up and The MY HERO Project

Mohamed Sidibay Youth Media Activist

Producer: The MY HERO Project
Youth media activist, Mohamed Sidibay discusses transition from a child soldier to being a peace activist.

Global Media Educators

Slater in Nepal - "There's your Grandma."

By: Wendy Jewell
June 27th, 2011
Credit: Wendy Jewel

Credit: MY HERO
Teacher Laura Nietzer

iEARN Teacher Cheikh Darou Seck from Senegal and his students contribute media to MY HERO

Digital Hero Art Being Created in Senegal

Cheikh Darou Seck

By: Seny from Dakar
Cheikh Darou Seck is an English teacher in Senegal who inspires his students to become MY HERO reporters and filmmakers.

Cheikh Darou Seck (French)

By: Seny from Dakar

Cheikh Seck at ISTE 2012

Producer: MY HERO
Cheikh Seck speaks about MY HERO's impact at the 2012 ISTE Conference.

Cheik Seck from Senegal depicts AIDS awareness
Credit: Student iEARN Senegal
Men and Women Together; Let's Fight Aids

Cheikh Seck has been sharing The MY HERO Project in Senegal for years.

2011 Global Partner Award

Mamadou Tall Diedhiou

By: Cheikh Darou Seck
related print story link:

iEARN Educator Rowena Gerber and the Solar Oven Project

Rowena Gerber - Solar Oven Project

Producer: Skip Blumberg
My Hero student reporter Andy visits the YouthCan Conference in New York City with his hero Rowena Gerber to present Paul Munsen's Solar Oven Project.

Thanks to the American Legion Child Welfare Foundation
for their support of this short film.

Rowena Gerber & Cheikh Seck

Producer: Cheikh Darou Seck
Educator/Filmmaker Cheikh Seck discusses meeting Rowena Gerber @ iEARN Slovakia Conference - planning Solar Oven Project in Senegal.
Film Festival 2005 The Bird Maker Film Produced
Credit: MY HERO

Rowena Gerber (French)

By: Wendy Jewell
On devrait donner à chaque enfant l’occasion d’influencer positivement la vie d’une personne donnée. Espérons que les adultes suivent cette voie

Resources of The MY HERO Project and it's Partners

MY HERO Learning Circles

Learning Circles Slidedeck


Organizer created on 7/6/2017 3:17:47 PM by Mohamed Sidibay

Last edited 1/3/2019 1:27:21 PM by Anthony Pouw