Stories about some Filmmakers honored at The MY HERO International Film Festival

Read about their journeys and learn from their examples.

Meet the Filmmakers
Credit: BYkids

Read all about our 18th Annual International Fim Festival Awards Ceremony and meet the inspiring award-winning filmmakers

Read all about the awards' ceremony on the 19th November where many filmmakers were honored with MY HERO awards

18th Annual Film Festival
Credit: MY HERO

Meet our Film Festival Director, Wendy Milette and Assistant Director, Kitty Richardson

Celebrating MY HERO's Film Festival Director, Wendy Milette

By: Abigail Richardson
Celebrating MY HERO's International Film Festival Director, Wendy Milette

Kitty Richardson

By: Abigail Richardson
Kitty is the MY HERO Deputy Film Festival Director and an award-winning singer-songwriter and documentarian from the UK.

MY HERO 2022 Film Festival Winners and Finalists

Animated short ‘Andy’ wins "Best of Fest" at the 18th Annual MY HERO International Film Festival

By: Abigail Richardson
Animated short ‘Andy’ wins "Best of Fest" at the 18th Annual MY HERO International Film Festival

Dr. Mandeep Rai – MY HERO's 2022 Global Educator

By: Abigail Richardson
Dr. Rai, author of The Values Compass wins MY HERO 2022 Global Educator Award.

Jeffrey Rudkin Receives 2022 MY HERO Teacher Award

By: Deborah Neff, Staff writer

Congratulations to Jeffrey Rudkin who Receives the 2022 MY HERO Teacher Award

Amazon Frontlines: "Who Should Decide the Future of the Amazon" Wins Film Fest Environmental Award

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer

'Butterfly in the Sky': Winner of the MY HERO Media Award 2022

By: Naomi Gledhill

'Butterfly in the Sky' wins the MY HERO Media Award 2022

'UKWATI' (The Wedding): A short film about child marriage by Sean Economou and Watts of Love

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer

'Ukwati', a heartfelt documentary about child marriage in Malawi wins the MY HERO Relationships First Award and Women's Rights Award. 

Wapikoni Mobile and "The Future Innu" Win Big at MY HERO 18th Annual Film Fest

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer

Wapikoni Mobile wins Media Arts Educator Award and The Future Innu wins both People’s Choice and Experimental Awards.

'I Could Tell You ‘Bout My Life,' a film by 19-year-old Michael Martin wins Best Trailer at the 2022 International Film Festival.

By: Abigail Richardson


'The Invisible' wins the MY HERO's Film Festival Animation Award

By: Deborah Neff

'The Invisible' wins the MY HERO's 18th Annual Film Festival Animation Award

‘Inclusion on the Air’: Winner of the Women Transforming Media Youth Award and High School Documentary Category 2022

By: Naomi Gledhill

'SGT. PUSHUP' Wins First Place Humanitarian Award

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer

Azomali Obisakin: A Young Filmmaker Pushing the Limits of Society

By: Natalia Osuna

Winner of the Dan Eldon Youth Activist & Elementary Documentary Awards for film 'Racism Must Stop'.

Daniel Taylor wins WOJ Youth Reporter Middle School Award at 2022 MY HERO Film Festival

By: Natalia Osuna
Daniel Taylor wins WOJ Youth Reporter Middle School Award at 2022 MY HERO Film Festival

Phyllis: A Self Portrait wins at the 2022 MY HERO Film Festival

By: Natalia Osuna

Director and producer Harris Cohencomes 1st Place in the category Portrait of an Individual at the 2022 MY HERO Film Festival for his film 'Phyllis: A Self Portrait,' an inspirational short documentary film featuring a driven, multi-talented woman who is passionate about transforming her community.

Andy Crisp's Film, 'Mental Health Awareness:' Film Fest Winner

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer

Andy Crisp's 'Mental Health Awareness' film wins the Wellness Award at the MY HERO 18th Film Festival.

'Hello Anna!' wins the Eva Haller Women Transforming Media Award

By: Naomi Gledhill

'Hello Anna!' wins the Eva Haller Women Transforming Media Award and College Documentary. Filmmaker Lucy Schacher also wins The Emerging Artist Award. 

‘Alan Magee: art is not a solace’: Winner of the Ron Kovic Peace Prize at MY HERO’s 18th Annual International Film Festival

By: Naomi Gledhill
‘Alan Magee: art is not a solace’: Winner of the Ron Kovic Peace Prize at MY HERO’s 18th Annual International Film Festival

'Eight Points to Peace' is Nominated for Award at MY HERO's 18th International Film Festival

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer

‘LITTLE BIG STEVE’ is the winner of the Dan Eldon Activist Award in MY HERO’s 18th Annual International Film Festival

By: Naomi Gledhill

Ian Kim's Animation, 'The White Rose,' is a Film Festival Finalist in Several Categories and wins High School Documentary

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer

'Building a Shower Trailer for Chico's Houseless on a Budget... of Love!' Receives MH FILM FEST Humanitarian Award

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer

'Illegitimate Voice' Wins at the 18th Annual Film Festival 2022

By: Naomi Gledhill

'Illegitimate Voice' wins the Racial Justice Award at the 18th Annual Film Festival

Susan Hillary: The Bright and Empowered Mind Behind The PRATT in the HAT

By: Natalia Osuna

Susan Hillary: The Bright and Empowered Mind Behind The PRATT in the HAT is a finalist at the 2022 MY HERO Film Festival

'Sorry for your Loss' is a finalist for a MY HERO 18th Annual Film Festival Award

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer

'Sorry for your Loss' is a finalist for at the  MY HERO 18th Annual Film Festival

Behind the scenes with filmmaker Will Parrinello in 'Rights of Nature' among the Cofán

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer
In May 2022, two young indigenous Cofán activists from Ecuador were awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize. Will Parrinello went to Ecuador to film them.

Meet Paul McClure – The Rutland Troubadour and a Film Festival Finalist

By: Amander Meade
Meet Paul McClure – The Rutland Troubadour is a Film Festival Relationships First Finalist

‘Walk on My Own,’ a film by 13-year-old Ndeye Fatou Fall is a finalist at the 2022 International Film Festival.

By: Abigail Richardson
‘Walk on My Own,’ a film by 13-year-old Ndeye Fatou Fall is a finalist at the 2022 International Film Festival.

Sylvia Earle Ocean Award Winners

Ocean Hero Spotlight
Credit: MY HERO
All the Way to the Ocean
Credit: MY HERO

Voice Above Water Wins MY HERO’s 2022 Sylvia Earle Ocean Award

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer

Please check back: stories are updated regularly.

Press Releases

Dr. Mandeep Rai wins the MY HERO 2022 Global Educator Award.

Global Educator Award - Dr. Mandeep Rai
Credit: MY HERO
MY HERO presents the Special Hero Award to ‘Super Ruby’ of Dean Saffron’s film
Credit: Dean Saffron

Lucy Schacher wins the Women Transforming Media Award for her film ‘Hello Anna!' Lucy also wins the College Documentary Category and is honored with the 2022 Emerging Artist Award.

WTM Award: Eva Haller presenting to Lucy Schacher for her film ‘Hello Anna!'
Credit: MY HERO
MY HERO’s 18th International Film Festival Present the WOJ Youth Reporter Awards and the MY HERO Teacher Award
Credit: MY HERO

Organizer created on 9/23/2022 1:46:41 PM by Deborah

Last edited 10/23/2023 1:40:17 PM by Wendy Milette