Story-telling Tapestry
by Refugee Social Services / Umcebo - South Africa
Mixed Media
"I am working with refugee artists from Burundi, Ruwanda and the DRC. They are clients of the Refugee Social Services. We are working each week at the Diakonia Council of Churches. We work out in the courtyard, and we are making a series of tapestries which talk about their lives, as well as a companion set, which are inspired by Gustav Klimt."
"We are using recycled and reclaimed materials to make the work. We are hoping that the work will get people to question their beliefs about recycling and refugees. We are also hoping to sell the pieces, to fund future work with the refugees."
- Robin Opperman -
Page created on 10/10/2011 10:50:26 AM
Last edited 10/10/2011 10:50:26 AM