The MY HERO Project | Library

Sudan's Nuba Mountains People Under Siege: Accounts by Humanitarians in the Battle Zone

By Samuel Totten

Publisher: McFarland Publishers in Jefferson, North Carolina
ISBN: 978-1-4766-6722-5
MY HERO recommends this book to adult readers.

Sudan's Nuba Mountains People Under Siege: Accounts by Humanitarians in the Battle Zone is comprised of twelve first-person stories by eleven Americans of all ages and from all walks of life, one Sudanese/American, and one individual from Slovenia. All, individually, entered Sudan on their own in order to variously provide support, food, medicine and medical attention to those Nuba civilians who were bombed off their farms by Government of Sudan airplanes and/or were severely injured as a result of the attacks. Each story is remarkable in that each person knowingly risked his/her own life to help those who were in desperate need.