
Susan B. Anthony

by Levi Baquirquir from San Diego, California in United States

123507Susan B. Anthonybiography.comLiving during the 1900’s was a difficult and strenuous time, unless you were a male. Men had many social and political advantages over women. Women had little to no rights as compared to men until Susan B. Anthony came and stood up against the injustices that plagued society. Susan B. Anthony was an American activist during the 1860’s. She fought against any injustices that she saw in society and made an effort to correct them. She led and organized many groups and organizations that helped women suffrage groups. A hero must lead others into following a better path and have the courage to pursue positive change. Susan B. Anthony is a hero for not only standing up for her rights, but also other people’s rights as well. By overcoming many hardships for the greater good of women’s rights and leading others into making change, she encouraged and inspired people to make a change for the better, which makes her a hero.

Susan B. Anthony served as a role model for others by overcoming obstacles that obstructed her, in order to advance women’s rights. Anthony promoted women’s right by taking action and creating many movements. “The momentum Anthony created by a half-century of grueling effort not only resulted in national women's suffrage, but in the creation of a new consciousness of women actively asserting their power and claiming their place in society” (Susan B Anthony Gay and Lesbian Biography). Anthony put her soul into creating a momentum of movements and in a half century it resulted into national women’s suffrage. Anthony did not have to go through grueling effort and pain in order to achieve national woman suffrage. However, she went through the pain herself so others would not have to go through her struggles to promote and make women’s rights better. Anthony could have lived a less stressful life, but she pursued in improving women’s rights. “The women who crusaded relentlessly for this unpopular cause found themselves victimized by the press. No one was more cruelly attacked than Anthony” (Susan B Anthony Contemporary Heroes and Heroines). Even though many women who stood for the cause of advancing women’s rights were harassed, Susan B. Anthony was the most harassed. Susan B. Anthony overcame the harassment and did not have it stop her from completing her goal. This shows that she is a hero by overcoming these obstacles with patience and tolerance. Susan B. Anthony not only overcame the obstacles thrown her way, but also personified and led others into helping her cause for women’s rights. Susan B. Anthony lead movements that advanced women’s suffrage and it became her lifelong focus. “Anthony remained active in the struggle for women's rights for the rest of her life. She even took the fight to Europe and helped form the International Council of Women and later the International Woman Suffrage Alliance” (Susan B Anthony Contemporary Heroes and Heroines). Susan B. Anthony remained active in the struggle for women’s rights and even brought the fight to Europe. She gained support from outside countries and created many international alliances which shows the fruits of all of her hard work. 

123563Susan B. Anthonyen.paperblog.comSusan B. Anthony led movements that advanced women’s suffrage and it became her lifelong focus. “Anthony remained active in the struggle for women's rights for the rest of her life. She even took the fight to Europe and helped form the International Council of Women and later the International Woman Suffrage Alliance” (Susan B Anthony Contemporary Heroes and Heroines). Susan B. Anthony remained active in the struggle for women’s rights and even brought the fight to Europe. She gained support from outside countries and created many international alliances which shows the fruits of all of her hard work.  Although she never got to cast a legal vote, her movements and societal work were recognized and the 19th amendment was made which allowed women to vote. “In 1990 she oversaw the unification of the suffrage movement. Throughout the 1890s she traveled to England, France, and over the states to organize suffrage groups.  In 1920, her goal was finally realized with the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, known popularly as the Susan B. Anthony Amendment” (Dubois, Ellen Carol). Susan B. Anthony’s work helped other countries through her organization of suffrage groups.

Susan B. Anthony is a hero because she not only stood up for her own rights, but also unified the American people to speak and stand up against injustice. Susan B. Anthony is a hero for standing up for other people’s rights and not giving up on obstacles that came her way. Susan B. Anthony is an inspiration because she does not only focus on herself, but on other people’s ills on society. “She spoke out against what she saw as the ills of society, against the institution of slavery and in favor of a woman's voice in government through the right to vote” (Anderson Amy). Susan B. Anthony spoke against any ills in society because she wanted to see a better world. She had the courage to do what most people would not be able to do: speaking up and taking action.

Works Cited

Anderson, Amy. "One woman's voice: Susan B. Anthony inspired a national movement for equality." Success, May 2009, p. 92+. Biography In Context, Accessed 29 Mar. 2018.

Dubois, Ellen Carol. "Susan B. Anthony." Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, Gale, 2000. Biography In Context, Accessed 26 Mar. 2018.

Susan B. Anthony." Contemporary Heroes and Heroines, vol. 3, Gale, 1998. Biography In Context, Accessed 5 Apr. 2018.

"Susan B. Anthony." Gay & Lesbian Biography, edited by Michael J. Tyrkus and Michael Bronski, St. James Press, 1997. Biography In Context, Accessed 29 Mar. 2018.

Page created on 4/18/2018 7:23:18 PM

Last edited 4/27/2018 7:25:44 PM

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Related Links

Susan B. Anthony - Life of Susan B. Anthony as an activist
Susan B. Anthony Biography - Life of Susan B. Anthony before becoming an activist