
Sweet Adeline ~ Story of Courage

by Barbara Ellen Ries, L.S.W., L.I.C.D.C

Sweet Adeline's Story of Courage
"It is with the heart one sees rightly."

One ponders the last seconds of Sweet Adeline's decision that day, when she corralled a group of 13 visitors against the founding wall at Serendipity Stables putting her own life at risk to protect the people against the oncoming F3 tornado. The 13 visitors were participating in a horse companion visit at the Serendipity Stables in York Center, Ohio, when an F3 tornado circled the building, completely collapsing the stable.

The huge gusts lasted 15 seconds, intensifying at midpoint, with winds reaching 150 miles per hour; it seemed time stood still. While the wind swirled Sweet Adeline kicked three people to the ground to prevent their sure demise. She then emerged cut and battered from the rubble of the building, galloping as the fury passed. The roar of the wind was filled with the power of the stratosphere and the magnitude of all four directions coming together in what Native Americans call the arrival of the thunder beings and messengers.

A vortex of earth's power sucking and winding in a counter to any clockwise fashion. During five seconds of time a howl and a piercing came through every board in the stable, demolishing any thought or question as to the nature of the event. Crouching one's self did bring angelic comfort to all seeking shelter from the storm.

Three horses led the wind around the barn, racing against the wind and the wind won out. Parker, Tristan, and Yankee, being the elder horses, were in line with the angels to cooperate with the forces to buffer harms way for the two legged beings. The horses knew of no other choice but to give their lives in sacrifice. All three horses kept the two leggeds near a safe haven. The visitors had only minor injuries, but not one perished during the storm's plight.

Barbara Ries is on the left, standing in front of the foundation wall one week after the storm.
Barbara Ries is on the left, standing in front of the foundation wall one week after the storm.

Finally, visibility returned. Every person told, as was documented on the front page of the Columbus paper, about thirteen people, but in reality, there were only twelve present. The 13th person was there only a few seconds for the miracle. The thirteenth person spared the lives of twelve to tell the story of the miracle that day that Sweet Adeline kept us near the founding wall, saving our lives.

August 12th 2006. Sweet Adeline won the Ohio VMA Outstanding Animal Hero Award and I won the Outstanding Advocate Award. Adeline was pleased this day at the Ohio State Fair for validation for her courage and our celebrated connection.

Sweet Adeline is a brave horse who changed my life. Sweet Adeline taught courage and compassion to the people who loved her.

Page created on 12/12/2006 9:27:34 AM

Last edited 12/12/2006 9:27:34 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links - Horse that has helped others now needs a hand.
Pictures of a Miracle
Sweet Adeline's Story of Courage - Learn more about this amazing story.
Equus Spirit Horse Calendar 2007 - Adeline's story and picture won her a spot in this calendar for 2007. Help assist Sweet Adeline's Quality of Life!! Available for purchase!!

Extra Info

Featured articles and documentary:

Holly Zachariah. 2002 Columbus Dispatch. Healing Invisible Wounds. After Tornado, Horses Used in Therapy Need Treatment Themselves.

Mike Harden. 2002. Columbus Dispatch. Donors Pony Up To Help Mend Mare From Injury. 2004. For Sweet Adeline, A Death Sentence Commuted.

Mike Harden. 2002. Donations pouring in for horse's surgery.

Mike Harden. 2004. Special Horse Needs Medical Miracle.

Sweetadelinethemovie@com. Barbara Ries is in short documentary.

Complete short story from Barbara Ellen Ries. Contact [email protected].


Author Info

Sweet Adeline's Story of Courage

"It Is With The Heart Ones Sees Rightly; What Is Essential Is Invisible To The Eye" de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince

By Barbara Ellen Ries, L.S.W.,L.I.C.D.C.

Full Story will be Published in December 2006

"This is a beautiful story of Sweet Adeline, a brave horse who changed a woman's life. Once again, we see how animals can choose to behave in the noblest of ways. Adeline taught courage and compassion to the people who loved her. Good luck with the story and with your beautiful work to get Adeline the recognition she deserves. I'm cheering for you." Kristen Von Kreisler, author of THE COMPASSION OF ANIMALS and BEAUTY IN THE BEASTS

"Barbara Ellen Ries' devotion to Sweet Adeline is constant, consistent, beautiful and total. I congratulate her on this wondrous endeavor." Michele S. Davis PhD., of Serendipity Stables

Barbara Ellen Ries writes:

Enclosed is my story, Sweet Adeline's Story of Courage - It Is With The Heart Ones Sees Rightly What Is Essential Is Invisible To The Eye (Antoine Saint de Exupery). It's about Sweet Adeline, a horse that saved 12 people's lives, keeping them steadfast against the founding wall during an F3 tornado. Adeline did not exhibit flight survival behavior; she kicked three people to the ground and kept us unaware of the approaching storm. She had an intuitive sixth sense of danger approaching. She became a hero that day and the leader of the herd.

I'm one of the storm's survivors, and I'm here to tell the story of a hero. There is no greater honor than to save someone's life. It is an even greater honor to save their lives back. Sweet Adeline needed for me to tell our story.

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