I have chosen my dad because he’s a hard worker with a lot on his plate but always has time for his family. When I need his help, he's always there to help me. He puts other people before himself. He's ready to help and fix stuff for others. He doesn't like new technology; he prefers it old school. He lives with the family in Williamstown, Ontario. He works at Sabourin Woodworks, working at his desk by designing kitchens or other wood projects and helping customers that don't always know what they want. My dad is my hero because he's a very passionate and a loving guy.
My dad's passion has me more intrigued in his work. It makes me more confident in the work that I do. He takes the time and helps me push my experience in my work. He is a loving person. He always puts others before himself. He will find time in his week to pass time with the family. He will find a way to always make us laugh when times are low. When I need help, he'll be there for me.
To conclude, my dad is my hero, as he is a loving person and is very passionate. It is why I’m hoping to be as a great father as he is to me.
Interview With My Hero
1. Are you proud about your job?
Absolutely. It allows me to be creative in design, while helping clients realize their dreams, one room and one project at a time. I have a great team that supports me in the shop, who help bring each and every project to fruition.
2. What is your proudest project you have accomplished in your work?
There are so many different projects I’ve been involved with, from residential to commercial, schools and churches. Every project has its own merits and special wow factors. My proudest achievements are not necessarily the larger projects, but those where I’ve managed to create a long-lasting relationship with my clients.
3. What is the next chapter in your life?
Sabourin Woodworks is a family business that was founded by my father over 30 years ago. As he now contemplates retirement, I will eventually take the reigns and guide it successfully for at least another 30 years.
4. Why do you like "old school" technology?
It’s how it all started. Although we do rely on state-of-the-art technology for repetitive, day-to-day tasks, true old school craftsmanship remains essential for adding the custom touch to every project. It is slowly becoming a lost art.
5. How passionate are you about your work?
It’s not work, it’s a lifestyle. I love what I do. You never stop learning new techniques. Every project proves to be a new challenge. I’ve read a quote recently that applies:
“We solve problems our clients didn’t know they had, in ways they often don’t necessarily understand.” Nothing is impossible, it will simply take us a bit longer.
6. What is your best memory in your life yet?
For the past two years, we’ve been blessed with having my eldest son join us at the shop during the summer break. It was truly an honor to have three generations working under the same roof for various projects.
7. Who was your role model growing up?
My role model growing up has been my own father. Master woodworker and jack-of-all-trades, he taught me everything I know in the trade. He is an artist in his own right. He instilled in me his own passion for wood and the science behind the art. He was and still is my hero.
Sylvain SabourinNicole Séguin
Page created on 3/12/2020 5:46:01 PM
Last edited 3/13/2020 10:03:12 PM