

by Mustafa Shahid from Pakistan

Despite the hardships and health risks, millions of essential frontline workers continue to do their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic. These hardworking heroes keep doing their tasks like picking up their trash, providing them life-saving medicine, delivering their groceries and packages, preparing their food, cleaning their hospitals, caring for those most vulnerable, and keeping us safe—often while earning low wages and few benefits.


Besides my hero in covid-19, were the teachers since they never stop teaching us in that phase when the whole world was shut down but they kept their selves engaged in teaching. However, we were not able to go physically and learn but they came to us in the faces of online sessions. They tried their bests to give us that same feeling we were used to and did their prime efforts to teach even though they were unable to understand that new world. They pay out their long days creating online quizzes and presentations so the students can learn better and achieve good grades.


Teachers tried to support their students at that time by giving them favors and rationalizing the syllabus so the study could be easier for the students. Hence when the government announced physical classes these teachers came out of their safety zone even knowing that they and their families could get affected by the virus but they came the schools just for the future of their students. They were ready to sacrifice their lives if they could


Teachers are like our guardians and they try to do everything so their children could have better futures and I realized this during the pandemic so that’s why I chose them as my hero.



Page created on 10/13/2022 1:43:39 PM

Last edited 10/14/2022 10:59:42 AM

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