How to Register and Use Class Codes

Using MY HERO’S editorial tools in the classroom.

Please note that to ensure a safe and secure teacher environment, there is a short approval process that will take 24-48 hours before you can use all of our Teacher Tools.

Use our digital storytelling tools in the classroom to promote media literacy, critical thinking, and cross cultural understanding. Teachers and students are invited to share original multimedia on our global storytelling platform. Check out the MY HERO Teachers Room for lesson plans and tutorials. Explore the possibilities and learn from other educators around the world on how to enrich your curriculum with our tools.

1. Register for an Educator Account at register.myhero.com/teacher

Registering for an educator account provides you with access to our Digital Storytelling tools as well as the MY HERO Organizer tool. The educator account grants privileges to review all your students’ work prior to publishing media online on MY HERO.

Need more help? How to Register an Account Tutorial

2. Create a “Class Code” at myhero.com/user/profile

Class Codes will help you group your students’ work online on MY HERO together in a published directory. You will need to request a Class Code before your students register and begin this project. Year after year, you can create multiple Class Codes for many different classes and simultaneously have several different class codes for different class periods.

Need more help? All About Class Codes tutorial

3. Each student should register for their own MY HERO account. There are two methods you can register students with your new class code...

Method A - MY HERO Registration

Direct them to register.myhero.com. Provide students with your class code and ask them to Register for a MY HERO Student Account using the class code. Students who register this way will also need to enter their name and pick a unique username and password.

Method B - Using a Google account

Your students can use their gsuite / google accounts to login / register. Just have them go to myhero.com/login and login using Google. After logging in, they will be asked if they are a student with a class code. Click “Yes” to this prompt, and enter the class code on the next screen.

Need more help? How to Register An Account Tutorial

4. Have your students create MY HERO webpages

Using our digital storytelling toolkit, students can publish webpages sharing art, stories, films, music that celebrate their heroes within their community and their world. The MY HERO account remains with each student year after year and can help them build a digital portolio of inspiration that they can share with their classmates, their family, and their friends.

See these tutorials: Creating a Story Page Creating an Audio Page Creating an Art Page Creating a Film Page

5. Bring all your pages together with an Organizer page

Creating an Organizer page will allow you to gather and display all your classes’ work (stories, art, short films, music) on MY HERO into a unique directory page. You can create a classroom page of all your students’ work and also create theme pages of other MY HERO multimedia to explore environmental heroes, peace heroes, community heroes, and more. You can create classroom pages or thematic pages using the MY HERO organizer tool.

See these tutorials: Creating an Organizer Page for a Classroom

The MY HERO Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, all donations are tax deductible.
