Young Heroes

Terry fox

by R D from Calgary, Alberta in Canada

 ¨Anything is possible if you try¨
-Terry Fox

I chose Terry Fox as my hero because he inspires me and millions of Canadians and raised money for cancer research and cancer awareness. The book I chose is a biography called Terry Fox And His Story. This book is 234 pages long. The book mainly focuses on between April 12 1980 - September 1 1980 but  there is also a tiny bit about his childhood and after he died. This was made in the year 2000. Leslie Scrivener was born in Tokyo and also was raised in Australia, USA and Canada. She has a Master of Journalism degree. She was assigned to be Terry's personal reporter and Documented his progress. She also made the Original version of this book in 1981 Then she made a revised edition in 1983 And finally in 2000 she made the new revised edition which is the book that this report is on.

148144Terry fox Reid Damm 

Terrance Stanley Fox was born on July 28 1958 in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada. Terry was raised in Port Coquitlam. Terry's parents were named Betty and Rolly Fox and He had 3 siblings Darrell, Judith and Fred Fox.Betty was 42 when Terry started his run and she had Prematurely gray hair. Rolly was 45 when Terry started his run. Rolly was a Canadian National Railway switchman. Betty and Rolly met in Winnipeg and married in 1956. Terry went to Simon Fraser University. Terry was a determined young athlete. Terry liked to play baseball, rugby and soccer while he was growing up.

148146Terry FoxReid DammTerry lost his leg to osteogenic sarcoma when he was only 18  years old. When Terry was young he would always rough house with his brothers and his dad.The night before Terry was going to get his cancer surgery he was given a article about Dick Tram and he was the first amputee to complete the New York Marathon. When Terry was a kid although he was good at many sports he wanted to help with cancer research and cancer awareness. When Terry was a kid he wanted to be a basketball player or maybe a gym teacher. After Terry was inspired my Dick Tram He started training for 15 months. When Terry started his run after the first day he was destroyed and was so tired and in so much pain. Terry was able to overcome this problem by working through the pain and getting used to it. Terry's best friend Doug Alward was the one you stayed with Terry For every second and was the one that was driving the van. Doug from a young age Was very close friends with Terry. Terry being a very great guy also had many great attributes including being determined, brave and very positive.Terry had lost his leg to cancer and his leg was replaced with a very uncorferbull prosthetic leg. Terry sadly lost his leg to cancer. Terry Fox won 3 awards in his lifetime: Lou Marsh Trophy, Persons of National Historic Significance, Canadian Newsmaker of the Year. Terry Fox also won the award The Order of Canada




148145Terry foxFelix Beaulieu

I was very surprised to figure out that Terry Fox got cancer when he was only eighteen. If Terry Fox was still alive I would ask him how he managed to keep going even though he was going through so much pain and I would also ask him how much pain he had to go through and I Would also ask him Did he get along with his family. I wouldn't want to be Terry Fox´s son because I already have a family. I loved the book I read on Terry Fox Because it contained lots of information. I learned that Terry Fox got Cancer when he was 18 and he also made it halfway through his run. Terry was very determined to do whatever he put his mind to and I wish I could be like him. Others may not like to Read this book because it is very long. I chose a person because he did many things and inspired many many people.Terry fox is also a great role model. I was very surprised to figure out that Terry Fox got cancer when he was only eighteen. If Terry Fox was still alive I would ask him how he managed to keep going even though he was going through so much pain and I would also ask him how much pain he had to go through and I Would also ask him Did he get along with his family. I wouldn't want to be Terry Fox´s son because I already have a family. I loved the book I read on Terry Fox Because it contained lots of information. I learned that Terry Fox got Cancer when he was 18 and he also made it halfway through his run. Terry was very determined to do whatever he put his mind to and I wish I could be like him. Others may not like to read this book because it is very long. I chose a person because he did many things and inspired many many people. Terry fox is also a great role model.

Page created on 5/11/2022 3:16:39 PM

Last edited 5/13/2022 5:30:26 PM

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Related Links

Terry fox wiki - Terry Fox Wiki
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Terry Fox - Terry Fox
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