The MY HERO Project | Library

Terry Fox: His Story

By Leslie Scrivener

Publisher: McClelland & Stewart/Tundra Books 2001
ISBN: 0771080190
MY HERO recommends this book to readers of all age groups.
Terry Fox, the one-legged runner from Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, made an indelible impression upon people across Canada and around the world. An outstanding athlete with a stubborn and competitive spirit, he lost his leg to cancer at 19, but said “nobody is ever going to call me a quitter.”

On April 12, 1980, Terry Fox set out from St. John’s, Newfoundland to begin the run across Canada that he named the Marathon of Hope. His ambition was to raise a million dollars for cancer research. It wasn’t easy. Initial support from communities varied from terrific to nothing at all. His prosthetic leg was painful to run on, and there were always traffic and extreme weather conditions to deal with. But, by the time he reached Ontario – a journey of more than 3,000 kilometres – word of his achievement had spread, and thousands cheered him and followed his progress. Terry’s spirits soared, and now he hoped to raise $22 million dollars – one dollar for every Canadian. He succeeded in this ambition, but the Marathon of Hope ended near Thunder Bay, Ontario on September 1, 1980. The cancer had spread to his lungs, and, after running 24 miles in one day, on the next he could run no further.

When cancer finally claimed his life in 1981, Canada mourned the loss of a hero, but the Terry Fox Marathon of Hope lives on. The Terry Fox Foundation raised more than $17 million in 1999, and support for the event nationally and around the world is growing.

User Reviews:
Carmen | 3/6/2014 12:30 AM
Who could forget what terry fox did.He inspired people all over the world to donate money no matter what for the people and kids in need.
Leslie | 9/27/2013 9:32 AM
Go terry!!!! Hes awesome
capitals rock | 9/23/2013 9:50 AM
terry fox is awesome we do a run every year and i admire terry because he never gives up on his dream
SARAH | 5/26/2013 4:04 PM
i love this marathon
Ann | 1/15/2013 3:04 PM
I`m proud of Terry fox of how he could run that long.
Fatima | 1/20/2011 4:58 AM
He is my hero
fuzzy | 12/1/2009 2:42 AM
terry fox is a true hero, I couldn't even imagine doing what he did. He has helped so many people, he is truly a remarkable person. We love you, your my hero.
thomas | 9/27/2009 5:33 AM
terry fox is the best. he is a hero to all true canadians.
ks | 1/25/2009 4:46 PM
terry fox you are a true angel for those who have none.i love u.we all love you!!hats off to u
alice | 10/23/2008 10:31 AM
am 12 and a half and terry fox is my hero because he raised so much money for something he beleived in. i love you terry! R.I.P
charlette | 10/17/2008 6:24 AM
tucker schar, edmonton | 9/11/2008 3:22 AM
hi this is a awsome book hope u got more
julianana | 9/3/2008 11:55 AM
Terry Fox was such a great guy i dont know what the world would do with out him he inspires me
lakes | 7/15/2008 11:42 PM
i really must say that i'm not usually fond of other people.But TERRY FOX blew me away.I will never forget what HE said, "anything is possible if you try,dreams are made if people try."I truly belive in these words...
... | 5/4/2008 9:10 PM
is Terry fox still here??

Terry passed away on June 28, 1981 at age 22 (The Terry Fox Foundation).

-- The MY HERO Library Staff

nic reading | 3/25/2008 9:45 AM
Who could forget Canada’s greatest hero Terry Fox? He ran 26 miles a day that led to over 3000 miles. Terry Fox was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Terry was only 18 years old when he was diagnosed with bone cancer and forced to have his right leg amputated 15 centimeters (six inches) above the knee in 1977. That’s when he wanted to start the Marathon of Hope to get rid of this awful disease, cancer. Terry Fox is the most remarkable Canadian because he inspired people, sacrificed his life to save others, and he was determined and committed to fulfill his cause.
Terry Fox has inspired everybody around Canada. In April 1980 Canadians and the world for that matter witnessed one of the most determined, proud individual whose spirit inspired millions. There was blood coming out of Terry’s artificial leg but he didn't seem even care. He ran with one good leg half across Canada raising over 24.1 million that gave hope to Cancer patients in Canada. When Terry was in pain, he wouldn’t go to the doctor. Terry had a passion for life, and it was this passion, which gave millions of others hopes.
Terry Fox sacrificed his life to save other people who have cancer. His leg covered with blood, fighting the weather, running up big hills, Terry had risked his life to save others. He had made his way across many tough situations such as Montreal hill. When Terry was faced with the challenge of getting up Montreal hill everyone was scared he wouldn’t make it. He had started up slow and went right past the place he was supposed to stop. He took the risks. He took his own life at risk to save others.  
Terry Fox was a very determined guy and a person who would fulfill his dream of defeating cancer. The Fox parents had always described Terry as a determined boy. In the fall of 1979, 21-year-old Terry Fox began his quest to run across Canada. That determination attitude from the beginning had kicked in. Terry ran for 143 days and only taking one day off. His determination has not only affected us but it has affected the progress in research to take down this dreadful disease, cancer.
After 143 days and 5,373 kilometers, he announced he would have to postpone the rest of the run. Terry Fox had to stop his 10km out of the city of Thunder Bay.  He had to stop because the leg cancer he had 3 years ago had now spread to his lungs. He later died on the 28th at 4:35 am, which was his favorite hour of running and exactly one month short of his twenty-third birthday. Terry died giving hope to others. Terry is a person no one will forget and his legacy will stay forever.
Terry Fox is my hero because his devotion to sacrificing his life to save others. I admire Terry fox because of his courage, hard work, and incredible attitude…His legacy serves as an example of what can be accomplished and is a true inspiration to me. “How many people ever get a chance to do something that they really believe in?” Terry fox quoted. These words had astounded me.    
Gloria Charman | 1/9/2008 9:52 PM
I am from Norwich Norfolk in the UK.I have been fortunate enough to have spent two weeks in Thunder Bay Ontario. I visited the statue of Terry Fox. I was so impressed by this young mans courage. I told every one about him when I came back home. I had lost my father only one year before to cancer. All I can say is Terry Fox is certainly my hero. I thought the book was wonderful.   Gloria Charman.
Shyla | 11/27/2007 4:26 AM
:)Terry Fox was a good hero to raise money for other things. He was a good friend to people that are nice to him back. He was a very good person. I love him for doing what he did do for the world.:)
Deneille O'Reilly | 11/25/2007 7:11 AM
Wow, it is so nice of you, Leslie to write a book about Terry Fox.. he is my hero and a hero to everyone because of the run he did. I love the book
maddy | 11/11/2007 5:26 AM
terry fox was a legend to lots of people and to me alot because i understand what he did and that was very heroic and special because he ran across ontario with 1 good leg and a fake leg while he was developing chest cancer so i think he is a big hero to lots of people. (Hes awesome)
Lucy | 10/4/2007 8:43 AM
Great job, Terry Fox!!!!! You've done many great things to this world .
katherine | 8/27/2007 9:59 PM
This book is a goodbook,and i should know.i got 2 bookshelves full!And thanks terry,your name will be remembered 4ever.
MIKE | 6/11/2007 8:38 AM
SAM | 6/11/2007 8:37 AM
Trisha | 5/13/2007 5:37 AM
Terry Fox is my Hero! Great book
chelsea | 1/15/2007 12:24 AM
am 15 years old. while reading this book i've became more clear of why terry did what he had to do. terry taught me to never give up on dreamms and to always stick to them no matter how hard it may seem. i was truly inspired by terry and am pretty sure he touched other people around the world. I really hope one day there is a cure for cancer.
Kaitlin | 9/26/2006 8:41 AM
Terry Fox is a true hero. He set his mind on something and he accomplished it. He will always be in my heart
mudra | 9/20/2006 10:37 AM
i am 13 year old. i am from india,n came came 2 canada 2 months ago, n heard his name in my school,i was so encouraged by him, he was like a true person, who belived in himself . i wish if  he was with us.
strawberry101 | 9/12/2006 12:17 PM
It was an awesome book. We miss you Terry.
twy | 4/23/2006 1:06 PM
i fell in love with him when i read what he went through and to make the matters even better is that if he had never ran maybe my friend would be dead or still sick so i thank god for terry fox and what he did
chuckie | 4/11/2006 10:53 AM
Terry Fox is probably THE most courageous person and that inspired me a lot!
Jeremy | 3/29/2006 6:52 AM
Terry Fox is my hero.  He did what he could to run the race even through the rain.  Every time I run the track, Terry Fox is in my heart.  Thank you Leslie Scrivener for writing this book.  You really inspired me alot! His Marathon of hope has raised lots of money for the cancer society.
Ali baba | 3/22/2006 7:41 PM
it was nice n interestin
jessica 3/2/06 | 3/2/2006 3:37 AM
i am 12 and i live in Florida and i think Terry Fox was a very polite and strong hearted man,because he took time to run to raise fund money for people like him that have cancer. most people wouldn't take their time to do that. He is EXTREMLY brave.
Gloria | 11/11/2005 8:56 AM
I am 73 and I live in southern California.  My youngest grandson and I visited Thunder Bay in 2003.  However, long before that, I knew about Terry and hold him as a hero for all people.  Everytime I read about him, I cannot help but cry.  
jody-12 | 10/17/2005 1:27 PM
really good book i didnt realize how much of a good person he was till i read this book...everybody should read it! R.I.P terry fox
Angela | 9/21/2005 7:49 AM
i am 13 and I live in canada. terry fox is my hero every year my school runs for him, because of terry i had joined this cross country team. every time i run its for terry. he is a hero and he will always be one. thank you leslie for writing this book.
Dora C | 9/16/2005 5:40 AM
i am 17 years old and i live in canada. terry fox is my hero this year at my school. we run for him. i try so hard to do it for him. if i could, i would run. he is a real true hero for cananda. thank you leslie for writing this book for people to read this great story. everyone should read it.
coleman | 9/15/2005 7:28 AM
Interesting book
Kevin | 9/14/2005 2:14 AM
i am 13 and i live in canada and terry fox is my hero every year my school runs for him last year i won this year i try so hard to do it for him i love him so much if i could i would run what he did he is a true real hero everyone should have a place in there heart for him i know i do. thank you leslie for writing this book for people to read this great story everyone should read it
po | 9/13/2005 11:26 PM
good book good boy and beautiful
Kate | 8/13/2005 6:12 PM
i am 13 and i live in canada and terry fox is my hero every year my school runs for him last year i won this year i try so hard to do it for him i love him so much if i could i would run what he did he is a true real hero everyone should have a place in there heart for him i know i do. thank you leslie for writing this book for people to read this great story everyone should read it

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