
The Angels are Among Us

by Yasaman Nikoosokhan from Tehran in Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Coronavirus is similar to a terrible crown which nobody wants to wear. An invisible killer who knows neither borders nor geography. It has ruthlessly set foot on the planet Earth.

Embrace, kiss, travel, beach, cinema ... all are forbidden. Parks and playgrounds and schools are empty of children. Instead, hospitals are filled with patients with corona. Nurses and doctors are true heroes who risk their own lives, a gift that is given once to every living person. They help patients in hospitals with a sense of dedication, they work 12-hour shifts but can’t go home, even when they miss their families, who miss them as well because they are also nervous of their families catching the virus. They are truly angels.

Quarantine, staying home, losing jobs, and last but not least listening to the daily news about victims of the pandemic has made us bored and stressed while we are at home.

Hard-working mothers couldn’t sit down and do nothing, so they started to bake bread and pastries; they wanted to get rid of the tense vibe that was all over the house and bring smiles to their children's faces.

Fathers whose sleep has been stolen by the anxiety of the current situation do not want to convey their concerns to their loved ones, so they carry the burden of life alone. To afford a house, they carry on working and put themselves in great danger, but what matters most to them is to protect their family.

Angels aren’t only in heaven, they are not just sitting on our shoulders writing down our good and bad deeds; the Angels are among us and protect us with soft wings called love.  

Page created on 8/13/2020 7:59:12 PM

Last edited 4/27/2021 10:57:14 PM

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