
The Art of Healing Contest

by Al Salehi from Corona Del Mar, California in United States


Healing Me Softly, with Her Song


Driving up the coast

with the top down,

that one song comes on;

the one I love, but don’t truly know.


She joins me for the forward journey,

and in the company of her acoustics

I find myself

cured — from the echo of emptiness.


I start to sing along

with my hand happily tapping and gripping the gearshift—

but then suddenly, and assuredly, 

She grips my hand. Sporting a seductive smile:


She finds the lyrics when I lose my way,

She fills the melody when my breath’s astray,

She hums the harmony when I have more to say,

and even still, as the chorus sways,


She performs


on the dash

like a pro.


She nods and whispers the bassline home,

though — there are no more notes left to play.

And magically,

She offers a touch treble for my troubles.


Even if the radio were to fail,


is still

my song.


Page created on 3/24/2023 7:38:22 PM

Last edited 3/29/2023 3:52:10 PM

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