The Chameleon's True Colors

Short film to teach young children to be themself. Includes link to the film, discussion questions and song lyrics.

The Chameleon's True Colors

Produced by:Carolyn Downie
A colorful chameleon learns to be himself in a fun song that celebrates diversity, individuality and friendship.

The Chameleon's True Colors

  • The chameleon was shy and tried to hide and wondered 'Who should I be?'
  • What advice did the chameleon’s friend the leopard give him?
  • Why is it important to be yourself? 
  • Have students learn the words to the chorus and sing along. 

Chorus Lyrics (the leopard's advice to the chameleon) 

Be who you are really, be who you are

Be who you are truly, that's what you are

When you are you fully, you then will be strong

When you are you freely, you can't go wrong

Be who you are really, be who you are


Organizer created on 3/1/2022 11:59:42 AM by Laura Nietzer

Last edited 3/1/2022 12:18:22 PM by Laura Nietzer