Enrico Fermi was born in Italy, but moved to America during World War 2https://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/enrico-fermi-4764.phpVictory in World War 2 was not completely due to the soldiers on the front line, but also to advances in science. The one man who spearheaded the operation, known as the Manhattan Project, for a new weapon for the United States was an Italian immigrant, Enrico Fermi. Enrico Fermi was born in Rome, Italy on September 29th, 1901 to a railroad official and a teacher. In 1914 he was sent to a school for gifted students in Pisa. Fermi absorbed all knowledge quickly, but favored math and science. He was born with a brother, whom he was very close to. But, when Enrico was 14 years old, his brother died due to unknown complications in his stomach area. He was devastated, and he spent most of his young adult life after that locked away focused on his studies. In 1922, the same year the fascists came to power, Fermi wrote a thesis on experimental studies on x-rays and graduated from the University of Pisa. Fermi went on to study under other scientists such as Max Born and Paul Ehrenfest. He lectured at many schools around the world and received many recognition for his work. A true hero subconsciously knows to be brave in the face of danger, and to persevere at all times. Enrico Fermi was brave and persistent in his works in Physics and brave in standing up against fascism. Enrico Fermi was a true hero.
Enrico Fermi at one of His lectures https://www.atomicheritage.org/profile/enrico-fermiFerni never gave up on his research, he always strived for more intelligence in life and made huge advances in science, which shows perseverance in his character. Fermi’s greatest advances in science were from the first nuclear reactor and in the development of new elements. This was his greatest achievement, because this is where he received the nickname ‘Father of The Atom Bomb’:“Known as Father of the Atom Bomb”... “Best Known for his role in the development of the first nuclear reactor,” (Bailey). Fermi’s advances in the “atomic pile” were huge strides in science in his lifetime. He had created the first nuclear reactor, and his research eventually led to the development of the modern day nuclear reactor. Fermi’s persistence brought new elements and ideas into the world. This, in turn gave scientists worldwide the ability to advance his research into greater ideas. Fermi didn’t give up, he continued his work outside of his home country and moved to the United States, where he lectured at the University of Chicago. Around the time of his departure from Italy, the fascists had already taken over and were beginning to enforce their strict racial laws against the Jewish. Fermi continued on however, he did not let whatever was happening where he was born affect his research. “Fermi eventually moved to the University of Chicago. He began work there in April, 1942, with a team of the nation's finest physicists attempting to produce the world's first sustained nuclear fission reaction.” (Brigham). “That effort came to a successful conclusion under the squash courts at the university on December 2, 1942. At 3:21 p.m., instruments indicated that a self-sustaining chain reaction was taking place in the world's first atomic "pile," a primitive nuclear reactor.” (Brigham). Fermi’s groundbreaking work in the nuclear energy field eventually led to the defeat of the Fascist powers all around the world. Without his contributions, we would have the nuclear reactor power sources we have today. Fermi used his new research findings to help for peace in the world. Fermi worked hard with the U.S. Government on his research and if he hadn’t, the world would be a much different place. The Japanese might’ve won the war and the world wouldn’t have any modern nuclear power generators we have today. Because of Fermi’s groundbreaking research at the time, the U.S. won the world war, and the modern world wouldn’t be as advanced as it is today. We have Fermi to thank for that.
Fermi in the Labhttps://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/20/books/review/enrico-fermi-biography-pope-of-physics.htmlBravery is an important quality in a hero. Bravery is the ability to stand up in the face of danger and uncertainty and not back down. Fermi stood up too, against Fascism, and he saved his family. When he received his Nobel Peace Prize, Fermi did not represent his home country, he represented science instead. “Instead of giving the Fascist salute when he received the award, Fermi shook hands with King Gustavus V of Sweden” (Bailey). Of all the prestigious awards Fermi received in his lifetime, this has to be the most prestigious. Fermi did not show the world what Mussolini and Hitler were doing to normal people. He supported science, not war. This was a great achievement for science and the allied forces everywhere, because it showed the leading physicist in nuclear energy was on the allied side. Fermi was also affected very personally, as his wife, Laura Capon was also Jewish and was directly affected by the racial laws plaguing Italy at the time of World War Two. “By 1937 Fermi's wife and their children became directly affected by the racial laws in Fascist Italy. In December 1938 the Fermi family went to Stockholm for the presentation of the Nobel Prize in physics to Fermi” (Brigham). Fermi took his whole immediate family wherever he went outside the country. He did this to keep them safe and ensure that they would never be separated. Fermi’s heroic actions brought his family peace and hope, and it made Fermi determined to stop the Fascism going on in the world. It hit home for him, and he wouldn’t let that go. Fermi did not believe in Fascism. Born in Italy, his main strive was for scientific research. He dedicated his life to science and did not let the evil in the world affect him, his work, or his family.
Enrico Fermi was a gifted scientist who greatly impacted the modern world and how it operates for the good. He portrays many heroic tributes, like persistence and bravery. He fought through loss, he fought through and won many prestigious awards and created great advances in science. He was brave, by going against his own country to save his loving family who was directly affected by the actions of a higher, evil power and did everything in his ability to keep them safe. Enrico Fermi inspires me because he makes me believe that hard work has to be earned, it is not taken. Bravery is the greatest superpower of all. And finally, never give up.
Niels Bohr, Robert Oppenheimer, Richard Feynman, and Enrico Fermi (From Left to right)https://faculty.polytechnic.org/gfeldmeth/1314138q.html
Fermi taking readings from some machineshttps://www.britannica.com/biography/Enrico-Fermi
Works Consulted
Bailey, Ellen. "Enrico Fermi." Enrico Fermi, 8/1/2017, p. 1. EBSCOhost,
"Enrico Fermi." Notable Scientists from 1900 to the Present, edited by Brigham Narins,
Gale 2008.
Biography in Context,
Accessed 29 Jan. 2018
Ervin, Elizabeth K. “Nuclear Energy: Statistics
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Last edited 2/16/2018 4:38:47 PM