Barack When the world was unstable and full of chaos it became needing towards a dedicated leader which would make the world a better place. And that person was Barack Obama. Barack Obama was the person who the people in need and the people of America needed to be able to strive in their lives. Barack Obama became the first forty-fourth African-American president. He was born in 1961 Honolulu Hawaii and was elected president in 2008. He was elected again in 2012 to his second term. He then completed his second term in 2017. Obama was an important U.S. president because of the impact he has had on America and other people around the world. Barack Obama was a caring and helpful person. He helped the people who could not fend for themselves and was caring towards others who were victims of tragic events. Obama has done lots of good and has many characteristics of a hero. Barack Obama is considered a hero for always doing the right thing, being helpful to others, and caring for those in need of help. He stands as an example of a good person who did inspirational acts of good.
Barack Barack Obama can be considered a hero because of his virtuous actions in supporting those in need and providing for them to strive in life. In any situation, Obama aimed for what was the right thing to do. When he became President, he used his new authority to help jobless people to find a job and help fix the economy. “Obama and his fellow Democrats succeeded in pushing through a stimulus plan to help the economy recover.” ("Barack Obama." Research in Context, Gale, 2017).As soon as Obama entered office his focus was towards helping the economy and other people who were unemployed. This shows that he thought about people who were in need and so he helped them by stabilizing the economy and helping the situation of unemployment. Another way which Obama has used his power was by helping the people have better access to healthcare. “Obama signed into law and extended health care plan, that Patient Protection, and Affordable Care Act.” ("Barack Obama." Research in Context, Gale, 2017). Obama cares for other people’s health and made health care accessible to those who couldn't afford it. This shows how he used his new authority to help people and do what he viewed as a good thing to do. These facts support and expand on Obama's virtuousness and it explains how he used his higher authority towards the benefit of the people and country.
Barack Obama helping Obama can be considered a hero for his helpful actions to others even though their location, his kind heart deemed them worthy of his aid due to their situations. Obama was not only helping the people of his own country, but also the people of others. “He worked to end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.” ("Barack Obama." Research in Context, Gale, 2017). Obama focused on terrorism and wars in other countries which needed help. His range of view to help is much bigger than others since he looked beyond the oceans to see people who are in crisis which he can support. In addition to helping others with the war, he helped the victims of a natural disaster who were in desperately needing situations. “... the President pledged his support to the millions of people wounded and displaced by the catastrophe.”("Barack Obama." Gale Biography in Context, Gale, 2004). Obama’s helpfulness is mostly for the benefit of others. This shows his helpful and selfless characteristics. Obama’s selfless and helpful traits were a benefit and inspiration towards the people.
Barack Obama is considered a hero for always doing the right thing, being helpful and, caring for those who cannot fend for themselves. He stands as an example of a selfless person who inspired others to do good as he did. Obama was a virtuous person who helped those who were jobless and those who could not afford healthcare. He was helpful to other countries during their wars and people who were victims of natural disasters. Barack Obama is considered an inspiration to others because when he entered office he wanted to recover the economy to help with unemployment situations and healthcare accessibility. When there was a war in a different country and a natural disaster in another his focus was towards helping them. He set a good example of a kind and helpful person who inspired others to be like him. Barack Obama’s was a hero to many. As the first African American president, he gave hope and inspiration to some but always set an example for others to do the right thing and be helpful.
Works Cited
Arnesen, Eric. "Barack Obama." Cobblestone, Apr. 2015, p. 38+. Research in Context, Accessed 26 Mar. 2018.
"Barack Obama." Gale Biography in Context, Gale, 2004. Biography In Context, Accessed 28 Mar. 2018.
"Barack Obama." Research in Context, Gale, 2017. Research in Context, Accessed 28 Mar. 2018
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Last edited 6/10/2018 10:59:05 PM