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The Riverkeepers: Two Activists Fight to Reclaim Our Environment as a Basic Human Right

By John Cronin, Robert F. Kennedy,Jr., Al Gore (Introduction)

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group, March 1999
ISBN: 068484625X
MY HERO recommends this book to adult readers.
A modern-day David and Goliath tale, The Riverkeepers is an impassioned firsthand account by two advocates who have taken on powerful corporate and government polluters to win back the Hudson River. John Cronin and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., tell us how we too can fight for our fundamental right to enjoy our invaluable natural resources.

Revealing shocking stories of commonplace environmental crime -- from drinking water tainted with hospital waste to fish populations contaminated by freely dumped PCBs -- Cronin and Kennedy describe their dramatic confrontations with more than ninety environmental lawbreakers. The Riverkeepers is a timely call to action that will resonate across America as the backlash spearheaded by congressional leaders and their major corporate allies threatens to reverse the hard-won victories in environmental law and policy.

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