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The Story of Harriet Tubman : Conductor of the Underground Railroad

By Kate McMullan

Publisher: Bantam Doubleday Dell Books for Young Readers, December 1990
ISBN: 0440404002
MY HERO recommends this book to children readers.
From the Publisher
This inspiring biography of Harriet Tubman tells how she helped free over 300 slaves as a "conductor" for the Underground Railroad and how she became a nurse, a scout and spy for the Union Forces during the Civil War.
User Reviews:
dorreen D Noyes | 7/23/2009 2:12 PM
My daughter Jayleene did Harriet Tubman in 2nd grade for her most favorite person in history.
Even after 7 years she still has her essay in her room filed in a scrap book.
victoria | 11/2/2008 6:52 AM
i just love this book
Dorreen Noyes | 5/16/2008 3:14 AM
Ilove the harriet tubman stories and my daughter did her for a report in 2nd grade she loves harriet tubman too.    she' a person that everyone around the world knows as moses to her people.
Kaitlin Jackson | 1/10/2007 11:43 PM
I can only describe this book one way, AWESOME!
Miheret damtew | 12/13/2005 1:03 AM
well i like her book too. she is a nice and a good lady well i like to tell please enjoy her book you will like it and please read it okay. thank you.  
Sara Anelica Torres | 12/16/2004 3:50 AM
When my teacher Mrs. Dow read this book to my class  I
knew I would like it. I love this book.  it's very good.
Amanda | 12/7/2004 4:42 AM
I LOVE this book!!!!  I t is filled with details.   I rarely like books, but this one is awsome!!!!!  I recommend this book to anyone.  A wonderful book.
Dasia | 2/18/2004 7:30 AM
This is a short but good book. I used it for a report in 5th grade. It was a good recommendation. Excellent book.

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