
Thoughts of a 'Retired Singing Postie'

by Brian Bailey from Apsley, ON Canada K0L 1A0

Brain Bailey has run a charity, TURNING THAT FROWN UPSIDE DOWN, for the past 22 years - read more about that HERE, but here he treats us to his musings. 

147160Brian and FamilyBrian Bailey


We sometimes tend to think rather 'grandiose' when we try to define the term 'HERO'.  But really, upon careful reflection, a hero is simply someone who successfully tries to live a 'truly good and decent life', bestowing upon others gifts of 'joy, optimism and hope'.

Heroes come from all walks of life and from all parts of the world.  A hero, in the 'true essence' of the word, embodies qualities of 'patience, kindness, caring, compassion and sensitivity, as well as generosity of time, spirit and resources'. Most of us recognize these amazing human beings, these 'Angels in our Midst'.  They personify the most positive,  enduring characteristics of the human condition.  These thoughts and feelings are things that all persons yearn to experience. 

Heroes are not perfect, however.  They too make mistakes. But as the old adage goes, heroes fall down, dust themselves off and get right back on their feet, forever ready to try again.  Who knows, maybe that's why we love them!  We admire and respect that kind of gutsy behavior.

My very special 'everyday wish' is that these unique, beautiful people (Heroes, also known as,  Angels in our Midst) shower their blessings upon each and every one of us, gently reminding us about the 'TRUE MEANING' of life and how to live it. 


147158Good SamaritanWiki

I was in a shopping mall recently, so I decided to go and get tea from a local coffee shop.  As I was making my way to get a coffee, I noticed an older gentleman rather poorly dressed sitting on a bench nearby.  I knew from first sight that he was in need of some kind of help. 

He had a little lunch stretched out in front of him and was wholeheartedly enjoying it!!  It was also rather evident that he had a problem with his right eye and probably couldn't see out of it.  I then joined the line in the coffee shop and waited to be served.  THEN IT HAPPENED!!  One of the MOST BEAUTIFUL GESTURES I have ever seen in my life.  

There was a young man in front of me in the line who was also waiting to be served.  Next thing I know the young man hands the server a $20 dollar bill and requests an orange juice as well as a favor.  The employee looks at the youthful man a little perplexed, not fully comprehending the request.  That's when the young gentleman asks her to give the juice to the older man eating his lunch outside on the bench, as well as the change from the $20 (except for $5 which is her tip). The young man also tells her that he will be watching every second so that she will be completely safe at all times.  Subsequently, there is a WONDERFUL EXCHANGE between the server and the older gentleman in need of help.  I only wish I had a photo of the smiles on both of their faces.  

As I was pondering this event later on, I wondered to myself why the young man didn't just perform the 'act of kindness' himself.  I suspect that deep down in his heart he was hoping that this act of kindness might inspire others to do something for this fellow as well.  Absolutely beautiful!!

There are many ways of thinking when we encounter this kind of situation, where a fellow human being is in need of a little kindness and help.  Perhaps the person is just simply lazy and didn't work hard enough in his life.  Or he should have gone to school and made more of himself.  But just maybe he needs a little helping hand and thank God for this young gentleman who inspires 'generosity and goodness' in all of us.  Oh, by the way, the last words this young man said was, "There go I, but by the grace of God."  God Bless All of you.   

Dedication:  I dedicate this story to all those who go out of their way to bring 'kindness, beauty and hope' to the lives of others.  Keep up the great work!! Blessing Upon You.


147161Leo F. Buscaglia, Ph.DAmazon

DEDICATION:  This tribute to Leo F. Buscaglia, Ph.D.,  dedicated to the millions of people the world over who have been touched by Leo's 'caring, concern, compassion, and love's for mankind, and who are now trying to care for others in the same manner as Leo did, throughout the course of his life. Find his book on Amazon

I have been doing a great deal of introspection and soul-searching recently.  The bottom line is this, so far as I can figure out.  We all have choices to make in our lives.  We can live with an emphasis on pain, hurt, anger, frustration and sadness.  Most of us all know about this side of life only too well.  For me, that all ceases as of this very moment!! I choose to live a life of hope, kindness, caring, joy, love, and above all else, I want to immerse myself in a 'sea of forgiveness'.  

You may ask why should I prefer such a lifestyle?  Why would I make such a choice?  Do I like to feel stress, hurt and anger?  I don't think so!  They are very harmful to the human heart, soul, mind and body as well.  So if my goal is to live a decent, productive, enjoyable life, then how can I allow myself to endure all that negativity?  Perhaps the question should be, why wouldn't I make this choice?  Besides, part of the aim of a truly fulfilling life is to feel good about oneself.    That goes without saying even.  Have you ever really identified and taken stock of how you feel after helping someone who really just needed a small favor?  Please trust me on this one, it is an absolutely amazing and wonderful sense of joy and wonder that vibrates throughout your whole being, after performing such kindness for someone.  You can't buy that emotion either.  It's just not possible.

The renowned educator and psychologist Dr. Leo F. Buscaglia stated this far more eloquently than I can do!  But then he had an overabundance of intelligence and creativity, as well as a wonderful gift of oratory.  He utilized these various blessings in giving back to our world and more.  Sadly, the world lost this gentle soul back in 1998.  But his spirit lives on in the form of his many amazing lectures and books. 

Perhaps this way of life is not for everyone, granted.  But I choose to live in a fashion that opens me up to the world.  In other words, I want to respond to life with a resounding YES.   Only then can I begin to live a truly genuine, authentic life.  But make no mistake about one thing.  To live in joy, kindness, hope, love and forgiveness takes a strong sense of character and dedication.  That's just the way it is.  We are human beings with flaws and weaknesses.  But fortunately, there is a flip side (good in other words) to this also.  I suspect that just like anything, the more you try to navigate this ocean, the easier it becomes!!  The risk is always worth the reward of a happier, healthier and joyous lifestyle.  

Thank you Leo for your kindness and patience, as well as your generosity of time and spirit.  Thank you for showing me what TRUE GOODNESS is all about.  I needed to see that, as does the world.  Thank you for being the kind of person I could look up to and respect, as well as 'love'.  Thanks for hanging in there with me, so I could learn from you. But perhaps most importantly, thank you for helping me to discover my own being, gently, quietly and patiently, without criticism.  For in so doing, I was able to realize that I have everything I need, right inside of me, to experience life to the fullest.  


I'm a teenager and believe you me it's a tough job being a young person.  Do you realize how much change is happening to my mind, body and soul? It's simply staggering when you consider the challenges that I must face in the next few years!  I will be called upon to make a myriad of important lifetime decisions about school, family, career preferences and vocations.  In other words,  I am taking on adult responsibilities in a fast-paced, ever-changing world.

So why is it so many people will deny me the courtesy, dignity and respect that I am due, rather than face the obvious facts about myself and my peers?  For we are persons also, evolving, changing and growing, deserving of all the kindness, dignity and respect that society can afford us.  Yes, perhaps we may disappoint you here and there along life's way.  But please keep the faith, because we will 'surprise, delight and amaze' you as well!!

We teenagers are waging perhaps the 'greatest struggle' of our lives, the battle to discover ourselves as human persons, and all our uniqueness that lies therein.  We are dealing with our 'feelings, ideas and emotions' in the best way we know-how.  We are under pressure to be accepted by our peers and at the same time, to conform to and fit in with society in general, and in particular to strive to become self-sufficient, productive citizens in the world around us.  That is a pretty tall order, even for the strongest among us.  But don't despair, for we will succeed and thrive in the lives we choose for ourselves, primarily because  we are a very determined and resourceful lot. 

DEDICATION:  I have written this piece from a teenager's perspective because I do remember what it was like to be a young person.  I throw all my support behind today's young people, for you are our only hope for a better world tomorrow.  I believe in all of you and the excellence and goodness that you will bestow upon our world.  My wish is that we adults try a little harder to understand your world, with all its inherent difficulties, joys, sorrows and challenges.  Perhaps then, and only then, can we truly become your allies and give you the help and support that you so richly deserve!!  Best Wishes to each and every one of you!!


Sometimes, in the strangest places, we mortals find love.  It may start as an innocent conversation, blossoming over time into a bond of the strangest and purest form.  We may not even notice it at first.  Caring for someone from the depths of the heart and soul is truly a thing of joy, beauty and yes, even ecstasy.  Perhaps it is the essence of hope, like a glorious spring morn.  Such a love may last a lifetime, or cease at the blink of an eye.  But no matter, as long as it is authentic, bursting at the seams with anticipation and sensitivity.  Its memory may remain forever, safely tucked away in some obscure corner of the heart,  to ponder what might have been, what could have been, if only.

What powerful and yet at the same time devastating images it conjures up, stirring the imagination to great heights, then dashing its hope to the ground in one fell swoop.  In other words, love gone bad, realism as opposed to fantasy,  joy vs sorrow.  And so life goes on, with generous heaping mixtures of optimism and futility.  But we mere earthlings must somehow make sense of these two extremities of life, carving out a meaningful as well as joyful existence in the process of living each day.

DEDICATION:  I dedicate this work to lovers everywhere, hoping that your bonds of joy, hope and love are strong, powerful enough to withstand all forces that come its way.  



She's a fighter! She never gives up!  Although she may be aged and weak at moments, she still retains a determined, hopeful spirit.  It is truly an awesome, as well as inspiring  sight to see her making her way around the lengthy crescent, inch by inch, step by step.  This beautiful woman reflects the driving spirit that made  Canada the great nation it is today.  Oh, to be certain, we have our problems , as does every country.  But where there is strength, passion and a desire to overcome obstacles, the only logical outcome can be the beauty, grandeur and wonder that is Canada.

There will always be those espousing negative as well as unproductive criticism.  That is a given.  It is then up to the rest of us to try our level best to emulate this incredulous soul, full of grace, decisiveness and strength.  Her aspirations and actions will motivate all of us to act in the affirmative and well-being of all people, thus allowing the depth and soul of Canada and its populous to thrive in a fashion defined by beauty, wonder, compassion, hope and excellence. 


The landscape is steeped in beauty, with flowers flowing from every color of the rainbow.  The lush green grass blends in with the variety of shrubs and trees.  In the garden, all sorts and sizes of vegetables thrive, to be savored in some future delicacy.  The sun, wind and rain has looked kindly upon this place, for yet another year.  In return, this residence is gently bestowing grandeur, wonder and beauty to passersby, but only to those who truly take the time to look, smell and feel the enchantment that surrounds them.

For just as ' beauty is in the eye of the beholder', so the peace and serenity of this magical destination can only induce goodness, kindness and love to those patient souls who genuinely observe with all their senses and feelings, thus experiencing physical and emotional inspiration in the process.  For in life, true learning and growth occurs only in the presence of such favorable conditions as these.  Just as a garden needs sun and moisture to sustain itself, so we human beings require inspiration, knowledge and wisdom in order to fulfill our unique and varied destinies.

For this is as it should be, however, enhancing and restoring the peace and beauty of the heart and soul, while at the same time celebrating a marvelously diverse yet resplendent world.

Dedication:  I dedicate this work to Mr. Joe Zagar and his 'green thumb'.  Thank you for creating such a magnificent place, allowing people to dream their dreams, painted in colors that inspire caring, hope and love.    Who knows, maybe some of those visions of beauty and grandeur will eventually come true, making this world a  place of goodness, joy and hope after all.  


Every person is SPECIAL in their own unique way.  Some people possess an abundance of outer beauty, while others have a healthy share of inner joy and confidence, located deep in their heart and soul.  Sometimes our smiles, or lack thereof, transmit this information to the world.  There are a thousand different types of smiles and facial expressions.  But all human beings do in fact have some sort of commonality.  For most of us just want a little consideration, caring and respect.  Perhaps a smile, a caring word or an act of kindness along the way.  That's not too much to ask.  We all want to live in a positive and productive manner.  That's a very reasonable goal. 

In life, as most of us know, there is give and take and all the variations in between.  Joy, hope, kindness and love manifest themselves in many areas of life, but perhaps none more so than in the giving of ourselves to others, especially those in need of the many gifts we have to offer, including our time, patience, caring, money, expertise and ultimately our zest for life.

147162Brian's Poster CardsBrian Bailey 

As well as writing inspirational words, another hobby of Brian's is creating 'Poster Cards' for the 'beautiful people and companies that I come across in life.'

Brian has also run a charity for 22 years. Said Brian, "My wife and I ran the charity together for years and during that time we funded it ourselves. I have been fortunate to meet some amazing celebrities including Edward Asner, Dick Van Dyke, Jean Beliveau, Annika Sorenstam, Liona Boyd, and the list goes on. Now, it is just myself and my son as my wife passed away from acute leukemia in May of 2018.  Al Pacino must have contributed at least 50 signed photos for the sick children.  I fear I bothered him way too much, but he brought joy to so very many children!"

To find out more about Brian's charity TURNING THAT FROWN UPSIDE DOWN, click HERE.

Page created on 2/21/2022 6:09:14 PM

Last edited 2/22/2022 11:56:19 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.