Lesson Plan Honoring Poets Maya Angelou, Walt Whitman and Dylan Thomas

Multimedia Lesson Plan for One Class Period. 

Poets one class Lesson Plan
Credit: MY HERO

Maya Angelou

Learn about Maya Angelou's life by reading the story and watching the short film. Then analyze the portrait by Sergio Benenson. 

Read the poem Still I Rise before watching the film illustrating the poem and analyzing the poster depicting the message of the poem.  How do the images/text used in this film and poster strengthen the meaning of the poem? How have the filmmakers emphasized the story of the poem? How did the artist depict the poems message?

Maya Angelou

By: Susannah Abbey

Maya Angelou is a beloved female author and poet.

Maya Angelou

By: Sergio Benenson

Still I Rise

Gabriel Diamond, Patrick Barnes, Phil Collis
A visual and musical interpretation of American poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou’s electrifying poem "Still I Rise."

Still I Rise

By: Tod Anderson

This film about Maya Angelou was created by a middle school student filmmaker. 

My Hero - Maya Angelou

By: Sakura Forney
Maya Angelou's life and how she changed her community's perspective on racism and sexism.

Walt Whitman

Learn about Walt Whitman's life by reading the story. Then analyze the artwork by Robert Shetterly. How does the quote Shetterly included in his portrait relate to the poetry of Walt Whitman? 

Text of Quote: "This is what you shall do: love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to everyone who asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown."

Then watch the film illustrating Whitman's poem The World Is Too Much With Us produced by Taft High School.  How do the images used in this film strengthen the meaning of the poem? How have the filmmakers emphasized the story of the poem?

Walt Whitman

By: Austin from Boca Raton

Story has text with audio so students can listen as they read along.

Walt Whitman by Robert Shetterly, AWTT.org

By: Robert Shetterly

The World Is Too Much With Us

Produced by:Taft High School

Taft High School student, Deana Saito, creates a beautiful visual expression of the poem by William Wordsworth.

Dylan Thomas

Learn about Dylan Thomas's life by reading the story, which includes the text of the poem Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night.

After reading the poem Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night, analyze the artwork by Yajat Dayal from New Delhi in India.

Listen to Emily Barasch read Fern Hill by Dylan Thomas.

Dylan Thomas

By: MY HERO Staff
Learn more about Dylan Thomas, an important Welsh poet of the 20th century, at The MY HERO Project.

"Do not go gentle into that good night. ~Dylan Thomas"

By: Yajat Dayal
Artwork inspired by poet Dylan Thomas.

Emily Barasch Reads Fern Hill by Dylan Thomas at The MY HERO Project's 2015 Jazz and Poetry Salon

Produced by:The MY HERO PROJECT

Emily Barasch Reads Fern Hill by Dylan Thomas at The MY HERO Project's 2015 Jazz and Poetry Salon.

Extend this lesson by having students read about other poets, submit a story about their favorite poet or an original poem to share with MY HERO's global audience. 

Stories about Poets
Credit: MY HERO

Students can submit a story about a favorite poet, poems or poetic cinema using the Create Program or honor a favorite poet in the Guestbook.

How to use MY HERO's Create Program to Publish Stories, Art, Film and Audio for Students

Tutorial for students: Publish written stories, film, original artwork and audio in MY HERO's multimedia library.

Create Program
Credit: MY HERO
Sing Our Guestbook
Credit: MY HERO

Additional Poetry Lesson Plan Resources

Poetry Lesson Plan
Credit: MY HERO

Organizer created on 3/31/2022 11:06:03 AM by Laura Nietzer

Last edited 4/16/2024 11:56:20 AM by Laura Nietzer