The MY HERO Project | Library

Through My Eyes

By Ruby Bridges, Margo Lundell (Editor)

Publisher: Scholastic, Inc., August 1999
ISBN: 0590189239
MY HERO recommends this book to children readers.
Ruby Bridges recounts the pivotal story of her involvement, as a six-year-old, in the 1960 integration of her school in New Orleans. Photos.
User Reviews:
yaman | 1/18/2016 9:48 AM
it tells about an important event in the history of the USA
Ms.C.Stewart | 3/8/2015 10:18 AM
I'm so amazed how you stayed focus and brave through the eyes of Jesus. I pray   this generation do the is very important as I write my comment I'm watching your movie now also have it recorded. we need more people like you.
Thank you Ms
shaye | 2/14/2011 5:21 AM
Dear Miss Bridges i have been doing a school project on i have read both books and they mean alot to me when growing up going to school they teach u black history your books say alot to my generation and the generation after me u say alot that could help our nation now why it is hard for us to make it now well i could go cuz ur book has touched me love miss shaina r rojas  
maddy | 1/27/2011 11:48 AM
i am from ga and i am touched by your story i am in a reading class and were watching the movie about your life! your a hero
Manisha | 1/17/2011 1:06 PM
this was the best book i ever read in a long time. I love this book
| 1/6/2011 10:31 AM
i have to do a school project on you. i picked you because you looked extremly brave.
dgjlisanm | 11/17/2010 12:15 PM
i hope the lord helps ruby she changed this world forever i love her now shes like 50 somthing
Autumn | 10/18/2010 7:48 AM
this book was amazing, touching, and over all one of the best i've read i couldn't stop the tears from coming
moya | 10/14/2010 7:16 AM
great great great book and ruby bridges is a very brave person
unknown | 3/17/2010 9:19 AM
miyah | 3/9/2010 9:02 AM
i loved this book like omg go ruby like best book ever
martina | 2/23/2010 4:18 AM
I think Ruby is a life saver how she went to that all white school.
AMAIYA | 2/19/2010 5:03 AM
kyasia | 1/28/2010 1:46 AM
how did her brother die

Her brother died in a drug-related shooting [].

-- The MY HERO Library Staff

Brice | 12/10/2009 6:45 AM
i have to do a school research paper on you and i have found so much information on you
odalys | 5/21/2009 8:14 AM
ruby is the best she is a hero if i could say this in front of ruby i would say i am reading your book i love the book i look for info.
ally | 4/28/2009 10:08 AM
shrutina shrestha | 4/15/2009 9:17 AM
dear ruby i read your is calld the book of ruby bridges i loved it so much that i will call you a smart women i love to learn about you.
Stephanie | 4/12/2009 8:49 AM
This is a really good book and ruby it seems like she is a really sweet person!
bri | 3/16/2009 2:14 AM
thank you ruby for being my hero
bri | 3/16/2009 2:09 AM
this is a really great book
Sharier | 3/10/2009 7:44 AM
The book i read through my eyes it got me into it and i thought ruby bridges is a hero.
Yasmin kiara Lechuga | 3/8/2009 4:04 AM
I think she's inspiration to all who read about her. In her story she is well known for her bravery and how she fought to be heard. Especially with the civil rights. To all who have come across the story of Ruby Bridges she is a hero. For standing up to what she thought was trully unfair and went ahead to be heard. This to me really means alot to me.That is why i chose to tell about her biography she is someone you would want to remember amen for this woman of truth.
lulu | 2/26/2009 4:26 AM
ruby bridges you are my hero and you changed this world and you are very brave
ieasha | 2/9/2009 2:57 AM
i think she is brave for going to an all white school
kate | 2/8/2009 10:50 AM
i loved this book its amazing
JASMINE | 2/4/2009 11:35 AM
iyary rodriguez | 2/4/2009 5:08 AM
you're a real inspiration to me and to others.
esmeralda arias | 2/3/2009 7:24 AM
i love u ruby bridges your my hero and will be always. my hero ruby bridges.
sadie | 12/18/2008 3:37 AM
i just wanna thank ruby for any and every thing that she has did to make change i have to say you are my hero
Janice | 11/16/2008 4:15 AM
I have not read the book,but did see the movie that was made by Disney. I never get involved in posting comments or anything but I was really moved by this movie, This movie gave me the opportunity to share a moment with my 8yr old daughter. even though we have not experienced what trying times our people have in the past, I think it is very fortunate to have someone like yourself who has, to share your experiences with our youth that are being brought up in todays world. I give honor to your parents,
for being your angels, I thank you for being very strong minded and brave soul and remembering God first.
NALASii A RENEE | 8/4/2008 10:40 PM
crystal | 5/28/2008 10:55 AM
it is a good book
Raquel Dodson | 4/22/2008 3:07 AM
This is a good book..if i was a teacher i would recommend this book to that the teacher could read this book with there class....I LOVED THIS BOOK;)
adriana | 3/7/2008 3:46 AM
i love ruby bridges i just watched her movie in school now and my dad has the book.
Cookie | 3/2/2008 10:51 AM
I read that book in second grade and it was good
Vansa | 2/24/2008 1:44 AM
It is really interesting
Madaline Mitchell | 2/20/2008 3:44 AM
Reading the story of Ruby Bridges is not only inspirational but it brings the words alive that Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ spoke when he said "Suffer little children to come and forbid them not".
Alyssa Adams | 2/18/2008 4:51 AM
I loved that you did what you did. I wouldn't have alot of friends if it wasn't for you.I wish I could meet you in person. My friend might have already wrote you. Her name is Brianna Hill she really, really likes you.Thanks alot from what you did. You are perfect to me.                                                              Thanks, Your Friend Alyssa Adams      
brianna hill | 2/18/2008 4:49 AM
Dear Ruby,  My class had to do a Black History report and I chose you because you are an inspiration to alot of people, including me.I think you opened alot of peoples eyes that everyone is important. When I was doing my project I realised  that the person I was doing it on was a very important person to the black community. Your fan, Briannna Hill
kaleya worthem | 2/10/2008 3:19 AM
thank you ruby. i really want to thank you what you did and i love you and preciated that i think that school can... bring people together... kids of alll races and background. and i really wish i could seee you my school is the best i go to christopher columbus charter schol and i am doing a project on you and i admire you thank you!!!
Yulissa Dionicio | 2/9/2008 5:07 AM
  I love the way Ruby Bridges is because she is a verry good person.
stephany | 2/1/2008 11:23 AM
I read a book about you ruby bridges and i did a report about you and you are my hero without you all people will be cruel.
toshania | 1/31/2008 8:32 AM
i had read your book and to me it is a good book it let me feel diffrent about the things we kids can do and change. your book let me feel diffrent about how kids can make a change just like you did , when you where at a young your book the part that blowed me away was that at a young child you did n't now what was going on you saw all those people  yelling at you and you did have any idea of what was going on around you.  
lizbeth | 1/25/2008 7:11 AM
ruby bridges was a brave girl.if i was her i would be scared to go around all those white people who wanted to hurt or even kill her.i respect ruby for what she changed and did for our country.THANK YOU RUBY BRIDGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alisha | 1/25/2008 2:33 AM
This is a really good book !!!! she was very brave and took all that stuff from them because i really could not be her thats why she`s my hero
Shelby | 1/22/2008 11:00 AM
Ruby you are my Hero you changed our world and now I hope no person ever has to go through what you did. Because of you and Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, and all the others who helped make the world better I dont have to worry about that happening. Thank you Soo much!!!
Shawn | 9/25/2007 11:51 AM
That is so amazing what you did. You are so brave!!!!!!!
wakita | 9/19/2007 12:40 AM
i love your book.
emilyy | 6/8/2007 12:18 PM
hi. i just want to say that you are  the best hero anybody and ever choose.
i wish everybody can one day be somewhat like you!!
| 5/27/2007 4:30 PM
you are a couragous person.
kathleen | 5/23/2007 3:27 AM
hey thats so kool what u did thank u
shy | 5/22/2007 2:27 AM
you rock ruby you are a inspiration to me i am in gr.5 and i am doing a biography on you!  i am your#1 fan!!!!!!!!!!1  From, shy
carmen | 5/7/2007 8:52 AM
alls i can say is wow.
Megan | 4/27/2007 6:58 AM
I love it, it made me feel happy that I'm black
elizabeth | 4/15/2007 9:52 AM
i love ur book so much thank u so much
ashley | 4/3/2007 9:28 AM
I think ruby was such an insperational person. I wish I was alive back then, I would defenatly agree with her!
Angela | 4/2/2007 9:48 AM
Dear Ruby,
You are an amazing person.If I had to go to school with people saying such hatefull and terrible things I would hide in my room and never come out. You are a hero to me and all people. I think you are the bravest and sweetest person in the world.
skoyah | 3/28/2007 3:49 AM
wow... i know nobody can understand what you went through. you were a strong little girl. you got your strength from your mom and dad. i wish i was as strong as you. you are truely my hero.
Kortnee Holmes | 3/27/2007 5:52 AM
Dear,Ruby I think you r the bravest person I know to go through all that trouble with those rasis people.I would have been ten times as afriad if I was u.I thought those people were very frightful when I read your book.But Mrs.Herny was so kind to you.Lucy it's differnt now ,but there're still prejudice people in this world.I'm happy the world changed .
mariah | 3/8/2007 6:24 AM
alike, all these other people. i loved your book as well. i had to choose someone who made a significant contribution to equal rights, and you came to mind. : ] thanks.
Sarah | 3/6/2007 10:12 PM
I read this book when I was 8. You are my hero.
Emily | 3/1/2007 8:24 AM
Hello Ruby, My class is doing a biography report about who we think is our romodle/hero and I choose you. Because you are a brave person to survive what you did for our country. I think that everybody should know about you and think that blacks should be with whites. You really are my hero!
megan d | 2/25/2007 5:53 AM
ruby, hi my name is megan and i am in the 5th grade. i go to school in georgia. i am in the process of doin a research paper on u and i think u r one of the bravest people. i wish i would have gone to school with u because i would have been ur friend no matter how those other people had treated u. i think ur great and i am glad that u r seen for who u r through the worlds eyes as a brave  courageous woman that should go down in history. u r my favorite and i hope to meet u someday.
nakayla appleby | 2/21/2007 8:24 AM
rubybridges is my hero because she taught people alot of things about school.
megan | 2/21/2007 7:44 AM
I think what you did was really brave.And I thank you for doing that because if you didn't I wouldn't be able to go to school with the people I do. So I just wanted to say thank you.
whitney anerson | 2/21/2007 6:06 AM
jessica | 2/20/2007 11:26 AM
I love how her mom believed Ruby could go to that school and when she did, I was shocked. Good job Ruby
Ra hshunda Abston a.k.a lil Webbie | 2/13/2007 11:32 PM
i understand what u r going through if i was goin through something like that i would feel the same way if know how she feels and know about her problems
Danielle | 2/10/2007 12:02 AM
Ruby Bridges is a great person. I really wish this book would tell more about her though. Ruby really had a lot of courage, I dont think I could have ever done that.
vanity | 2/7/2007 1:46 AM
i dont know why they were so mean to her the movie is very sad too.
dominique | 2/6/2007 8:52 AM
i love your book thank you for helping the world
lexi | 1/30/2007 10:44 PM
i think ruby is so brave and i really think she should be in everyone's text book at school.she is my hero and because of her i would not have all my friends.
Destiny | 1/21/2007 11:16 PM
I Love the ruby bridges book. It inspires me to learn more about our culture
Gabrielle (Gabbi) | 12/7/2006 2:22 AM
i was looking thru these comments and i noticed Andrea's and she expressed excatly what i was going to say,THANK U MRS.RUBY FOR ALL YOU'VE DONE!!!! I've read all your (and Roberts) books and i've seen the movie.Thanks again 4 standing 4 what u believe in.
korty | 11/19/2006 4:38 AM
I read your book through my eyes for a school project. I do not think that black people are any differnt than white people. I do have a lot to say but i'll cut it short. I say that you are the bravest pearson on the black side. I'm the bravest on the white side! I LOVED YOUR BOOK TO DEATH!!!
I HOPE YOU Can WRITE another BOOk just like it.
katie | 11/3/2006 12:22 AM
I don't understand why they didn't let color people at white schools that would make me feel very very very very sad
Kaitlyn | 10/20/2006 12:10 PM
Dear Ruby, I think that you are one of the bravest women in the world. You never showed fear. I read the book through my eyes and I loved it! It must have been hard to have went through all that you went through when you were young.
Gerri | 9/21/2006 4:13 AM
It really make me feel that you where very blessed to have a wonderful father and mother
to let you continue your education the right
way. your book really put a smile on my face.
God bless you!
Jessica | 9/15/2006 3:33 AM
Ruby Bridges is one of the best role models in the world. She is my favorite person in black history. I have her book and have read it many times. She inspires me so much. And was an insperation to the whole world.
Kimmesha | 5/30/2006 4:02 AM
The story of Ruby is so moving to me.
martika | 4/4/2006 12:12 AM
im a sixth grader and im doing a report on Ruby Bridges its a wonderful book very entertaining and its interesting..
katrina | 3/30/2006 9:10 AM
i think Ruby bridges is the most amazing girl she will just keep going and never want to give up i think she really touches my heart
Carmen Lee | 3/25/2006 10:56 AM
I Think that Ruby Bridges is very brave.I also think that she was very sweet.
CECILEE | 3/15/2006 5:53 AM
DEAR RUBY, you are a great inspiration to me. If you wouldn't have done what you have done I wouldn't be sitting with a couple of the kids that are in my classroom. It's women's history month and i really appreciate what you have done.
kyra | 3/7/2006 5:09 AM
the book was amazing and i think she is a great role model
Wendy | 2/24/2006 10:27 AM
Dear Ruby,
         You are one of the most bravest women. I really love what you have done if you would have not wanted to go to that school then African Americans would have probably have not been able to be treated equal. you are one of my heroes. I love you
Carinn | 2/23/2006 1:27 PM
In class we were supposed to pick a person who was an influence to us and write a 2 page report on them. I picked you because you are one of the biggest influences in my life and you have been through so much and have been so strong through so many hard times. I read your book and it was the BEST book I have ever read.
Chloe Bacon | 2/23/2006 3:35 AM
Ruby has really inspired me. I am touched by her acomplishments.
Alexandra | 2/23/2006 3:18 AM
I love your books. They are great.
Kara | 2/21/2006 4:40 AM
I am doing a report on Ruby Bridges. I think she is an amazing women. Her story should be heard by all. She is my hero.
Malika Richardson | 2/20/2006 9:06 PM
Thank you Ruby for everything that you have done to change the world. If it was not for you then i would not have a best friend that is white. You are my HERO...
yoselin | 2/17/2006 6:40 AM
I like that story.
Heather Gulley | 2/16/2006 5:08 AM
I like your books.My class is reading Through My Eyes.I like it so far.
makayla | 2/15/2006 9:46 AM
Ruby was a cool little girl.Im doing a book report about her
GEEGEE | 2/15/2006 3:09 AM
I love your books. Because U open my eyes and it shows people how U made it in life so now I know U R my SHERO
Shay | 2/14/2006 1:19 AM
Ruby Bridges was a brave little girl and no matter what happened she kept her head up and I admire her for that.
hope | 2/9/2006 9:57 PM
i love the story it really helps me understand that racism is something we dont need and that we all should accept eachother just the way we are rather we are blue,black,white,purple or green. so thanks.

your fan
maurissa morison | 2/9/2006 12:59 AM
i really enjoy reading your books. i understand what u went through. i would feel the same way.I would like to see you someday.Your books r the best.i hope to see you someday.
Andrea | 2/1/2006 9:01 AM
Ruby Bridges, that name is the exact meaning of how powerful such a brave, courageous, and inspiring someones perspective on something is, and best of all, its in Ruby Bridges words, the most unselfish, tolerant soul on this earth there is, thank you ruby, but not only from me, from the whole world.
christina Nguyen | 2/1/2006 8:13 AM
This book uses strong words which can help the reader feel how she felt In her words which is very splendid.
| 2/1/2006 4:48 AM
is she still living?

Yes. -- The MY HERO Library Staff

Charlotte Gagnier. | 1/28/2006 5:38 AM
I love Ruby Bridges. She helped the whole world,thanks Ruby.
Meagan | 1/28/2006 2:06 AM
This book is so awesome.  It inspires a young heart.  It helps the kids, like me, to understand what it was like for African-American children before parents started to accept the fact that they aren't going to stop white kids and black kids from being friends.  For example now most of my friends are white, and I have a lot of friends.  The book teaches us what happened and what can happen.  The best part is that it's through Ruby Bridges' eyes!
Zaynah | 1/23/2006 6:43 AM
I love the story,that i read about you your my hero

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