Titans Heroes

The Titans Team enjoyed learning about the heroes in our lives. We learned that we can be inspired by ordinary people who are challenged by extraordinary situations.

Tatiana Mihalache

By: Lungu Nicoleta

Ala Lungu

By: Lungu Nicoleta

My HERO is my mother, Ala Lungu by Nicoleta from Moldova

By: Nicoleta Lungu
To my mind, a hero is the person who changed your life, made a difference, inspired you and you admire this person ... This hero is my mother, Ala Lungu.

My HERO, my mom, Ala Lungu by Nicoleta from Moldova

By: Nicoleta Lungu
A Beautiful tribute to Ala Lungu by her daughter Nicoleta

Tatiana Rotaru

By: Andreea Rotaru

Manea Lilia

By: Elena Manea

Matcovschi Viorica

By: Matcovschi Catalina

Mamoncic Anastasia

By: Andreea Mamoncic

Oxana Podubnii

By: Simona Podubnii

Copacinschi Oxana

By: Copacinschi Nicoleta

Capbatut Sergiu & Capbatut Svetlana

By: Daniela Capbătut

Viorel Botnariuc

By: Loredana Botnariuc

Bugan Iulian

By: Andrei Falca
Natalia Zabica
By: Cristi Raileanu

Organizer created on 5/16/2019 8:05:42 PM by Lungu Ala

Last edited 5/16/2019 8:09:30 PM by Lungu Ala