"The story of Jordin Tootoo" is a documentary about two brothers accomplishing their dream to play pro hockey. Jordin Tootoo made several sacrifices to obtain his accomplishment both in personal and professional decisions. Jordin Tootoo and his brother Terence both had a quest to be the first Inuit to play in the National Hockey League. Later, Jordin Tootoo took on his brother's dream after Terence Tootoo died by suicide. Jordin Tootoo pays Tribute to his brother by accomplishing their dream to be the best.
As a young inuit boy growing up in an isolated community where snow and seal hunts are a common activity, Jordin has aspirations to play NHL hockey alongside his older brother on a cold ice lake near his Northeren home. His community was still active in their traditions while changes of modern activity took place all around them. Organized hockey became his life and the motivation to overcome the obstacles to make his dream into reality.
Jordin is courageous because he will never quit trying to make it to the top, to be the best at hockey. Jordin is strong and built to protect his family and be a 'grinder' at hockey. Lastly, every day when he plays he has courage to go out knowing that his brother is beside him.
Early morning rises to reach hockey practices and games were a ritual. His determination and love of the game combined to create an ambition to continue to become a better player. Tootoo endured racial comments and slurs during on ice and off ice activities to become the first person of Inuit descent to play pro hockey. The language barrier had an impact in the beginning but was overcome with self-respect. Tootoo continued to play after the loss of his brother Terence in a tragic death and continued to fight to play better on the last wishes of his late brother.
Years of struggle to reach his goals finally payed off when he was selected in the draft by the NHL Nashville Predators. Today he is the first Inuit ever to play in the NHL. He is truly a hero. He is respected both on and off ice. The community has recogonized his accomplishments both personal and professional. Jordin Tootoo feels bad about his brother's death, but also has to play his dream, and keep going.
Page created on 6/22/2006 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 6/22/2006 12:00:00 AM
Pyette, Ryan . "Slam Sprots." [Online] Available www.canoe.ca/slam 040508/col_pyette-sun.html.
unknown. "the Jordin and Terence Totoo story." [Online] Available www.ctv.ca.
unknown. "Team Tootoo." [Online] Available www.TeamTootoo.com.