
Tupac Shakur

by Dominic S from San Diego, California in United States

123286Tupac“Just cause you live in the ghetto doesn’t mean you can’t grow” (Tupac Shakur). Tupac Shakur expresses change throughout his life pushing through many road blocks. He was born June 16, 1971 in New York City. He grew up moving multiple different times, each in poverty. His mother Afeni and father Billy Garland were in a racial group named Black Panthers which introduced Tupac to the idea. Tupac always enjoyed writing poetry about the events that were taking place in his life. A real hero possesses courage at times when there are road blocks. Heroes stand up for what is right and have no manner to be selfish. Due to his successes through hardships, Tupac Shakur is a hero for supporting racial equality and persevering through hardships that he faced.

Success gained from music granted Tupac to support the movement of racial equality with the opportunities for a future as well as the education availability. To begin with, Tupac experienced a difficult childhood containing a little future ahead of him. However, Tupac was still able to defeat his problems with dedication. “Jess Jackson saw him as a symbol of the inability of a talented, successful artist to escape a past of drug and crime” (Tupac Shakur). Tupac’s dedication throughout many decisions lead to success that many people look up to. Perseverance is a trait Tupac preserves shown as he pushed through the hardships in his life. Hero’s possess traits such as dedication; reason being that at difficult times hope is still foreseeked. Tupac exhibits this trait because he overlooked his problems and was dedicated to never give up. This leads to when Tupac lived in a homeless shelter as well as on the streets. “Afeni and Tupac struggle to get by during these tough times living in the Bronx and Harlem or times sleeping in the homeless shelters” (Tupac Shakur).  Living in a homeless shelter is a prime example of a hardship that was faced. In addition, he was still dedicated to a successful life which lead to the acceptance into a Baltimore school which started his career as a lyrical genius. His attitude as well as commitment throughout his adolescent years brought success later in his life. It was not Tupac’s rap that made him a hero, but his dedication that made him an inspiration. Leading to success, Tupac overlooked the struggles he faced that later produced controversy towards beliefs.

123295Tupac Shakuralux.comTupac supported the movement of racial equality due to his success from music.. His support began when he first hand experience of lack of education as well as living in poverty. “Shakur’s mother and stepfather, Mutulu Shakur were active in the Black Panther movement, a radical organization that adopted revolutionary militarized tactics in support of African-American rights” (Tupac Shakur). Growing up with two parents involved with racial equality affected the way Tupac grew up. Supporting this act, he wrote and produced music protesting for racial equality. Hero’s stand up for what is right, which mirrors Tupac because he is standing up for the greater good. African Americans at that time received poor education and lacked money. This leads Tupac to talk about how Africans will always be looked at as unworthy, for example, “Now expressed frustration that an African American, no matter how successful, would still be seen as unworthy” (Blalock, Kay J). Tupac discusses the topic of racism toward African Americans expressing that no matter how much success was made, it will still be seen as shameful. He used his words through music to argue the problems that were concerning himself as well as many others. Racism is a problem that will never go away, is still being protested constantly. Tupac Shakur was a hero because he stood up for a problem affecting many throughout the world.

Due to his accomplishments through hardships, Tupac Shakur is a hero for supporting racial equality and persevering through hardships that he had faced. Tupac symbolized noble struggle and still succeeded. He inspires people when making it through many hard times and supporting racial equality. Tupac is a legend that will always be remembered after his abrupt death for what he did. “Shakur's death devastated fans and others in the music industry, leading to calls for reduced violence in the hip-hop community” (Tupac Shakur). He inspired and influenced the movement of racial equality as well as to work through hardships. Being able to become successful out of poverty is what Shakur has proven throughout the course of his life. His death in 1996 has made Tupac stand out and symbolize “noble struggle” throughout his lyrics. The success within Tupac’s life made him a hero that many people look up to. Tupac will always be commemorated as a inspiration for the impact he made with racial equality and success though deprivation.

Works Cited

Blalock, Kay J. "Tupac Shakur." Great Lives from History: African Americans, June 2010, p. 172. EBSCOhost,

“Tupac Shakur.”, A&E Networks Television, 19 Jan. 2018,

"Tupac Shakur." Contemporary Musicians, vol. 17, Gale, 1996. Biography In Context, Accessed 28 Mar. 2018.

"Tupac Shakur." Encyclopedia of World Biography, vol. 37, Gale, 2017. Student Resources

In Context, Accessed 26 Mar. 2018.       


Page created on 4/18/2018 4:57:28 PM

Last edited 4/25/2018 8:02:16 PM

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Related Links

Tupac Shakur - Biography about Tupac Shakur
Tupac Shakur - Biography about Tupac Shakur