
HELLO. My name is Angela Cox, and I am the mother of Miranda Nicole McGinnis.  I know all mothers say their children are their Hero, but Miranda is my Hero and all she meets. That is what this page is about. The challenges that Miranda has overcome due to the fact that society and mankind say otherwise. I have taught my daughter that there is nothing she cannot do, and if she finds an hazard in her way and you cannot get over, around, under or through, step back, think, cause I promise you there is a way. My daughter never ceases to amaze me in the way she can change a person's heart just by a smile, laugh, or a hug. She is truly an Angel on this earth.

Unanswered Prayer: The life and story of Miranda Nicole McGinnis

by Angela Cox from Wynne, Arkansas


Unanswered Prayers: The life story of Miranda Nicole McGinnis

Written By: Angela Cox

October 3rd, 2020


           in 1991 I had just graduated high school. I was just 17 years of age. I had just been accepted into a Christian college in California. I was looking forward to graduating with my degree in youth ministry. I was dating a Christian guy, my life was going just as I had planned, or at least that is what I thought. As that old saying goes, tell God your plans and watch him laugh. That August in 1991 I found out I was pregnant. I was so scared, because I had to tell my parents. I was unmarried and in the South. In the '90s, being unmarried with a child was not looked upon highly. Yet, no matter what my parents said, I was going to raise this unborn child. This child did not ask to be conceived, and therefore I was going to love, take care of and be there for him/her till my last breath. The father, when I told him I was pregnant, ran. So here I was, 17 and pregnant. However, I was determined to have my unborn child and give her the life I never had. As each month passed my stomach grew. My 18th birthday passed and I was still living at home. My dream of going to college was destroyed because I had a baby on the way. I found out I was having a little girl. I was thinking of names and thought how best to include her father but give her her father's name, so I decided to name her Miranda.

           On March 6th, 1992 I gave birth to an angelic little girl. I notice something was not right, but the doctors assured me that she was fine. At three months old I knew Miranda was supposed to be doing milestones, and she was not. So I took her to her doctor, who just informed me she was just lazy. Right then I changed doctors. Her new doctor, Dr. Wells, had an idea of what it was but did not want to scare me, so she sent my daughter to a specialist. This is where we found out that Miranda had (and still has) Cerebral Palsy. That affects the whole right side of her body. This broke my heart. The specialist said she would never walk, talk, learn, or develop in any form or fashion. I wiped my tears and looked at him and informed him that God has a reason for my daughter being here, and not you or anyone else knew what God has planned for her. So, if it's in God's plan for my daughter to walk, learn, develop, then she will. I started putting her in any type of therapy I could to help her, and guess what? You got it.

          Miranda started developing, The physical therapist noticed that Miranda was wanting to walk. So, she changed her therapy plan. She admitted that she never seen a child with such a case of CP as Miranda's to develop the muscles to walk. I informed her it was God. The therapist tried to get Miranda to crawl, but Miranda was not having it, she wanted to walk. When Miranda was one year old, she started walking on her own and nothing stopped her. This was blessing one. 

           A few weeks later, Miranda spoke her first word. which was "NO." From then on Miranda kelp on developing. The doctors were shocked to see how well she was developing considering her disability. Yet, at the age of four years of age, The Devil attacked my daughter. She had her very first grand mal seizure. By this time, I was married, she had a loving step-father and I just found out I was pregnant with my second child. Still, God blessed her once again, because instead of allowing it to damage her brain, he made Miranda more loving, caring, and laughter that lights up a room.

             When Miranda started elementary school, they stated she would never graduate high school. Miranda did not just graduate high school. She graduated high school with honors. There were those who told her not to attend college. I told her if that is what you want to do, go for it. What did my daughter do, she attended college and graduated with an AA in Art. Miranda has surpassed everything and anything anyone has set for her. You see, Miranda is a blessing. At the time of her conception I did not realize she was an answer to unanswered prayer that I did not even know I had. Miranda is more than daughter. She is an angel on this earth, cause when people see, smile, hear her laughter, it reminds them that this special needs adult child was once a baby that doctors gave up on long before they ever gave her chance. She overcame so much just to prove to not just herself but others like herself that just because you have a disability does not mean you cannot do it. It only means you have to work harder.

              Miranda does not let her disability stop her. She now works at the Cross County Workshop, where they teach life skills as well as work. We can go to the store. And there is never a moment we do not run into an instructor that is saying how much of a blessing Miranda is to them. That her love for life reminds them how much life is worth living and that they are honored to know her. She's such a loving, caring, respectful lady, who is always willing to help others no matter what. She's like a mother hen to those who she just starts showing the ropes and letting them know they are going to be fine. Everyone just loves Miranda. It warms my heart to know my child makes a difference and she does not even realize she does it. She's really an Angel on this earth and I am honored that God chose me to be her mom. My plans might have been crushed, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Cause I have been blessed with the best gift. I was blessed to be the mother of one of God's special children. I would not change a thing.

             I thought when I gave birth to  Miranda that I would teach her so much. Yet, it was Miranda who taught me. Miranda taught me, never judge a book by its cover. What the true meaning of Unconditional Love is, respect, caring for someone other than yourself, compassion, understanding, patience, and most of all live life to the fullest.  

Page created on 10/3/2020 3:01:22 PM

Last edited 6/11/2021 9:44:43 PM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Author Info

My name is Angela Cox;

    I am the 46 year old mother of Miranda McGinnis. I was raised in the small town of Farrell, MS, graduated from Coahoma County High School. I thought my calling was being a youth preacher. However, I realize my true calling was being Miranda's Mommy. And I love every minute of it. I would not trade being her mommy for all the riches in the world. Miranda and I now live in a small town called Wynne, Arkansas. Miranda  has a stepdad that loves her as if she was his own daughter, flesh and blood. She is happy, healthy, and very much loved and cared for beyond expectation.

         I went on to attend college after Miranda started high school. I now hold a Bachelor's Degree in Paralegal Studies and a minor in Family Law. I also hold a Masters in Legal Studies.  I am now Attending Capella University online where I am working towards my PhD. in Criminal Justice. I will graduate in 2023.