On September 11, 2001, many people lost their lives due to terrorism. Two planes were flown into the World Trade Centers, one into the North Tower and one into the South Tower. Another plane was hijacked and flown into the side of the Pentagon. There was one last plane, United Flight 93. That flight was hijacked and flown into a field. Passengers and crew members that were aboard Flight 93 are my heroes.
On September 11, 2001, United Flight 93 took off, heading to the west coast. When the plane was in mid-air, not far into the flight, the hijackers made their move and took over the plane. The passengers and crew were all shocked and scared. They all moved to one spot in the back of the plane and grouped together. Many of them made calls home to tell their families what was happening. Others called to say good-bye.
As the hijacked plane continued its flight, the passengers decided to take action. They conversed among themselves about a heroic act to take back the plane. Once they had thought of the plan, the desperate attack began. The brave passengers and crew made their way to the cockpit, fighting, trying to take the plane back. Though it was a courageous attempt, the plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. The brave passengers and crew members aboard Flight 93 kept the plane form hitting its intended target, which is thought to have been the White House or the U.S. Capitol Building. Because of this, many more lives were spared by the sacrifice of those on board the hijacked flight. If the passengers and crew had not attempted to take back the plane, it would have been even worse.
The heroic passengers and crew from Flight 93 have greatly influenced my life. They have shown me how easy it is to forget about being strangers and how to come together like family and friends in a time of need. They have also shown me how to be brave in the scariest of times. Flight 93 passengers and crew should be everyone's heroes because they did a brave act to insure the safety of others. That's why flight 93 passengers and crew are my heroes.
Page created on 10/6/2006 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 10/6/2006 12:00:00 AM
Markle, Peter . "Flight 93. "Movie. 2006.