Use the Create Program to Upload Films and Videos


The MY HERO Project will not knowingly publish any work that has been plagiarized or reproduced from any other source and will not promote hate, violence or prejudice anywhere on our website. 


Video Tutorial: How to Create a Film Page

Create a Film Page Tutorial


Step by Step Instructions with Images: How to Create a Film Page

Use the Create Program to Upload Film and Video Link
Credit: MY HERO


Using the Create Program to Upload Films


 Either paste a link to your video that is already online on YouTube or Vimeo into the Paste Film Link field, or Click on the Upload button and upload an .mp4 or .mov file of your video that is under 50 MB. Wait for the upload to complete before clicking next.


Create a Film Page
Credit: MY HERO


Fill in the required details about your film - make sure to include a description.

Optional: Add related links.


Adding Details About the Film
Credit: MY HERO

Details and Related Links
Credit: MY HERO


Add an image related to your film. Once you have uploaded an image, you need to add a Caption and the Image Credit.

You can add multiple images after you add an image with the caption and credit. 

Click on the light blue arrow to select another image, add the caption and credit.

When all images have been uploaded, click Add Image.


Add Related Images
Credit: MY HERO


Review your film and the text details before submitting it to MY HERO for approval and publication.

When you are satisfied that it is ready to be submitted,  click on Finish.

Don't forget to click on SUBMIT for your art to be reviewed by MY HERO. You or your teacher will receive an email once your Film has been approved and your page is activated. 


Preview Your Film
Credit: MY HERO

Submit your Film to MY HERO
Credit: MY HERO

Organizer created on 8/26/2019 3:22:49 PM by Laura Nietzer

Last edited 7/13/2021 3:56:38 PM by Laura Nietzer