

by Katherine Tarasenko from Kyiv in Ukraine

The person I respect and admire is my cousin Victoria Volosozhar.

She’s my hero and my peer, so she’s 15 now and she lives in Minsk (Belorussia). She is a very friendly and lively person. Her hair is long, wavy and light blond. Her eyes are blue. She’s tall, slight and slender, very well-built and fit. She’s a figure skater rating the first among junior league figure skaters in Belorussia.

Her skating career began since she was four years old. Victoria studies in a specialized sport school in Minsk. Her daily routine includes a very exhausting training for up to 6 hours a day. After training students have lessons like in usual secondary schools. She doesn’t complain because her goal is to become a well-known figure skater like our relative Tatiana Volosozhar. Victoria often takes part in competitions among her peers and I always watch her breathtaking performances on youtube.

Except Victoria’s sports training she also has to pull her socks up if she wants to achieve good academic results in school. I wonder how she manages to succeed in both training and learning!

Every summer we are happy to see each other during Victoria’s stay with her grandparents in Ukraine.

I love my cousin and wish her to achieve her goals easily.


Page created on 1/12/2019 9:09:10 AM

Last edited 1/16/2019 12:05:32 PM

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