

by Omarr Lee from Largo, Maryland in United States

Poem By: Omarr RaSharjd Lee

In agony, or 
Having the power,
To visualize victory,
Can never be beat,
Having the ability to imagine a wish,
Being anointed from your head to your feet,
Will make you feel bliss, and Blissfulness is a state of happiness,
Dream your dreams, 
They do, and
Will come true,
As the sky is blue,
So I say,
From me to you,
The power lies within your mind, and 
Your soul,
To be victorious.

“A Way With Words Poetry" by Omarr RaSharjd Lee

Page created on 1/29/2021 12:55:50 AM

Last edited 1/29/2021 7:40:03 AM

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