Introduce your class to the website and our mission:
MY HERO provides millions of people of all ages with stories of hope and inspiration.
Peoples Choice graphicMY HEROThe PEOPLE’S CHOICE BALLOT will be available online on Nov. 1st along with several other special award ballots.
These ballots will be programmed for 30 minutes or under of several short films that can be used
to explore the theme of heroism, media literacy and media production values.
Return to this page and when the ballot is prepared you will be able to download the
People’s Choice Ballot and begin screening the films for the class or for students to view at home.
We suggest that you pause after each film and initiate a dialogue about the
film’s content.
Have your students take notes regarding the following criteria.
How does this film relate to heroism?
Who is the hero or heroic organization in this film?
What is the issue raised in the film?
Does this film motivate you to take action about an issue?
Does the film elicit an emotional response?
After a lively discussion you can watch the film a second time (if time permits)
and consider the following criteria for judging each film:
Originality - Is this film an original idea or concept? Is the theme or point of view
unique compared to other films?
Creativity - Did the filmmaker use creative approaches to storytelling? How
creative is the camerawork, sound & editing?
Emotional Effectiveness - Were you deeply moved emotionally? Did you feel
connected to the story? Are you motivated to take action?
Directing - How well is the overall film put together? Is the story cohesive? Is
there a clear beginning, middle and end? Do you sense a unique voice in the
director’s style?
Technical Quality (Editing, Camerawork, Sound) Evaluate the technical
quality of the picture, sound and editing.
Is the camerawork steady, in focus, and framed interestingly? Rate the quality of
the image - Is it stunning? captivating? breathtaking?
Is the sound quality clear, easy to hear, s the dialogue distinguishable? Does the
use of music move the story along or does it distract from the narrative?
Does the pace of the editing work with the story? Were you ever bored? Does it
seem as if the film needs more editing - is it too long? Does the editing rhythm
leave you feeling satisfied and connected to the theme of the story?
Your students are now ready to vote for their favorite film. You will tally the
results and cast one vote for each class participating on the People’s Choice
Ballot. Thank you for taking part in our International Film Festival!
Students interested in creating new media for our 2021 Festival can also view our New Media Arts Resources portal.
And view winning films from previous years online on MY HERO.
Page created on 10/8/2020 7:37:43 PM
Last edited 10/12/2020 5:10:38 PM