¨When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do”.
-Walt Disney
"When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do”.
-Walt Disney
Walt Disneyby meI chose Walt Disney because I wanted to know more about him and find out about his life and how it was that he made Mickey Mouse.
My book's name is,¨Who was Walt Disney?¨ My book is a biography book.
My book has 106 pages. The book was focussed on when he was growing up until he died. This book was made in 2009,The author of the book,Is Whitney Stewart, she is a children's book author, She lives in Louisiana with her husband. She was born in February 3, 1959, in Boston, She writes fiction and nonfiction for young adults and has special interest in Himalayan countries. When he was a little boy didn't know what he wanted to do when he got older.
Walt DIsneyby meWalt Disney was born on December 5, 1901. On Tripp Avenue in Chicago's Hermosa neighborhood.Walt Disney's dad was Elias Disney and his mom's name was Fora Cali Disney, They had four kids, three boys and one girl. Raymond Arnold Disney December 8,1890 May 24,1989, He died at age 98, He was the oldest brother in the family. His brother was Roy Oliver Disney, June 24, 1893 - December 20, 1971, He died at age 78, He was the second child born in the family, His sister was Ruth Flora Disney, December 6,1903 - April 7, 1995, She died at age 91, She was the Youngest kid in the family, she was fourth born child.
Walt Disney attended Mckinley High School in Chicago, Where he went to drawing and photography classes and was a contributing cartoonist for the school paper. Walt Disney was 16 when he dropped out of school to join the army, but was rejeced for being underrage. Walt Disney grew up poor. If not for his neighbors there'd be no bad business deal. He lived in Marceline Missouri for most of his childhood, where he began drawing and painting and selling pictures to his neighbours and family friends. In 1911 his family moved to Kansas City where Walt Disney developed a love for trains. Walt was interested in trains he would even build an elaborate train in his office, which he really liked running for his guests. who influenced Walt Disney when he was growing up, That would be Cartoonist Zenas Winsor Mccay. Zenas Winnsor Mccay was an American cartoonist and animator, He is known for the comic strip Little Nemo. Walt Disney went out to fulfill his long dream to build a theme park by purchasing 160 acres of land to build a theme park. It was Walt Disney's dream to open a clean and organized amusement park. Since when he was little he knew what he didn't really know what he wanted to do so only some things foreshadowed what would happen. Like having love for art, to help animate his cartoons.
Walt Disneyby meWalt Disney faced lots of obstacles growing up, He was put to work at just nine years old. He had only an eighth grade education and almost no formal training in art, He also had suffered multiple business setbacks, Walt Disney's dad was kind of abusive to him. I don't know how he overcame his challenges, but I do know that he went with it until it was over. He was an outgoing man, No matter how hard it got he would make it through. With the help of Roy his brother and Ub iwerks, an illustrator from his Film Ad days, Walt Disney finished out his new character and Mickey Mouse was born. Walt released two Mickey Mouse cartoons, that's where they met with moderate success. Walt Disney was influenced by Winsor McCay, Winsor McCay was an American cartoonist and animator, I think Walt Disney is smart because he makes animations and made a theme Park called Disneyland which opened in 1955, i think he is talented because animation is a type of talent he was brave because he was brave enough to put his work in the world. I think that was brave of him and his brother. Walt Disney was put to work at nine years old, He only had an eighth grade education and almost no formal education training in art, and suffered multiple business setbacks. Here are some sad things that happened in the book called “Who was Walt Disney?” This is one sad thing that I can remember when Walt Disney died in the book that was sad for his family and his friends and the people he knew and more. Walt Disney holds the record for most Academy Awards earned by an individual. He won 22 Oscars from 59 nominations, He was presented with two Golden Globe special Achievement awards and an Emmy Award.
What I learned about Walt Disney that surprised me was that Walt Disney made Disneyland with his brother and that Walt Disney was racist. If I were to ever meet Walt Disney in person I would ask him? What made you want to adopt kids? Were you a mean boss? Did you have a bad life growing up? I wouldn't want to be his kid because I just think he would not have a lot of time to take care of me and because I just would not want to be his kid. I really liked the book that I picked because it has a lot of good information and it helped a lot for this project and it made me want to read it when I was bored. I really liked the book. This is what I learned from the book. I learned when Walt Disney was born and when he died I got to know a lot about Walt Disney and where he grew up. Things that I would add to my life that Walt Disney did, That he never gives up. I would add that to my life because when you don't give up you get places and that helps a lot when you are growing up. This is why I think others may not like this book because it may not be their type of book. This is why I think others may like this book because if you like to learn things about people, it is really interesting. I'm happy I picked Walt Disney because he was really interesting to learn about and he was a good hero to pick. I don't think Walt would be a hero, I think he would be a celebrity because he might be a hero for some people but not me, I think he is a celebrity.
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Last edited 5/31/2022 5:23:08 PM