“Without passion, you don't have energy.
Without energy, you have nothing.”
My Hero: Warren Buffett
By Brody
webpage built in mindmeisterby Brody Moon
I chose Warren Buffet for my MY HERO project because I have a series of biography books at home called WHO? With 100 comic biographies. And I liked the book WHO? 워렌 버핏 the most (Warren Buffett in Korean, and I'm Korean) and that is why I chose Warren Buffett as my hero. The series WHO? is a series of biography books (or comics to be honest). This book is 165 pages long. The span of time that this biography book covers is from birth to when he is an adult. He is currently 89 years old.
I couldn't find lots of information about the author, and all I could find out about him was that he was an author who strives to write books that are fun and exciting for children.
Warren Buffettby Brody Moon
Mr. Buffett was born in Omaha, Nebraska. He developed an interest in business and investing in his youth, eventually entering the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1947. His family includes: Doris Buffett (sister), Roberta Buffett Elliott (sister), Howard Buffett (father), Leila Buffet (mother). He went to University of Pennsylvania in 1947 before transferring and graduating from the University of Nebraska at the age of 19 (and he once got rejected from Harvard University.) Buffett spent most of his time selling gum, cola, popcorn, and other snacks in streets and at sports games. He became a millionaire at the age of 32. He loved to read books. At university, he was called ‘Dork’ for liking cola because all the other students thought it's for little kids. He delivered newspapers for fun. When Buffett was young, he almost died because he got really sick, but he survived. He read books that were written by Benjamin Graham. When Buffett was young, he dreamed of being a millionaire and was interested in money. Buffett calculated that he would be a millionaire at the age of thirty-five. There wasn't lots of foreshadowing that he'd be a millionaire (later billionaire) except when he calculated that he will be a millionaire
Warren Buffet action pictureby Brody Moon
One of the challenges he had in his life was when he was rejected from Harvard University. He almost wanted to quit Wharton School because he thought it was a waste of time and had no friends. Again, he was called dork because of the food and drink he liked. How he overcame these challenges is that he found a better university to go to in his hometown and graduated there. The event that allowed him to move college so easily was when his dad lost his job and was moving back to his hometown, so Warren just followed along. He found a different university he liked more than Harvard because one of the teachers who taught there was the man that influenced him when he was young: Benjamin Graham. Warren Buffet’s has three great qualities: he is good with numbers, he is smart with money, and he cares about the poor more than the rich. Even though he is awesome, he had some weaknesses. One of the weaknesses that he had was that when he was young, he loved money so much that he forgot about his health; that is how he got so sick that he almost died. Another weakness that he had was that he was not very healthy. He eats most of his meals with cola and burgers. He wasn't very good at sports. A funny thing that happened to him and his friend while finding stuff to sell in the streets, he found golf balls. They started picking up golf balls from a golf courses to sell in the town, because he thought they were free, but then was caught by a staff member who worked at the golf course and he got into trouble. Warren Buffet won the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2010.
One of the things he did that surprised me so much is that he donated $37,000,000,000 to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (the former owner of Microsoft and is one of the richest people in the world). The three questions I would ask him if I ever meet him would be: “How do you become so rich and selfless like that?” and “Do you follow a religion?” and “What do you spend most of your money on?” I would want to be his child because: first of all he is faithful to people around him; second of all, he’s famous; third of all, he’s rich. At the same time, I might not want to be his son because I have a great family now, and I want to stay with them. I liked this book a lot. Warren Buffett influenced me, and I love this book. My favorite out of the WHO? Series, but I wish that it would have been longer because it is only 165 pages long and that is short for a biography. More information would have been great. I learned from this book that there a person named Warren Buffet exists, how he’s a great person, and I learned what it was like for him when he was growing up. One of the lessons I learned from his life that I should apply to my life is to be patient. Another one is if you work hard enough, you will succeed. I think most children will like this book because most kids (like me) like to read comics and this is a comic so you can see what they looked like or how their expression will be when something happens. I am very happy I chose this person to learn and present about because he is a very cool person to learn about and makes you want to present about him. After reading this book, I think it will be perfectly awesome to pick him as your role model.
Page created on 1/22/2020 4:18:45 PM
Last edited 2/17/2020 8:33:34 AM