We are from Ukraine!

All works were created by students in the 9th grade from a school from the Mykolayiv region.

In September 2022, encouraged by their physics teacher, Leonid Nevidomiy, 10 pieces of work were submitted to the MY HERO Project by a group of ninth graders from Yelanetskyi, Mykolavyiv region, Ukraine.

Among these were four pieces of artwork, four stories, and two YouTube videos. The subject of each of the submissions is the war in Ukraine. 

General Dmytro Marchenko

By: Sofia Shostakova
The defense of Mykolaiv was headed by General Dmytro Marchenko

"Ghost of Kyiv"

By: Yana Skyba

Vitaly Kim

By: Suzanne Nivarenko
A symbol of indomitable spirit and faith in the UKRAINIAN PEOPLE.

Oleksandr Tkachenko

By: Oleksandr Tkachenko

Watch these two News Reports about the war in Ukraine from Year 9 Students in the Mykolaiv region of Ukraine

Привіт! Ми з УКнаїни! | Hello! We are from Ukraine!

Produced by:Ирина Клименко

Вітаю. Ми з України | Welcome. We are from Ukraine

Produced by:Ирина Клименко

The Ukrainian teacher and his 9th-grade students were set to meet with MY HERO on Zoom to talk about their heroes in late October but the day before, we received an email from the teacher that the meeting would not be possible due to erratic sets of rolling blackouts and ongoing shelling.

The teacher’s words below capture the tone of the student submissions, as well as reflecting an eternal optimism and patriotism in the face of an unjust, horrific war.

"I hope that we will meet after our victory, for sure, and my students will ALL be ALIVE and healthy. They will tell you     everything. They will tell you how they lived for days in basements waiting for missile attacks, how they studied, how they rejoiced at our victories and worried about failures at the front. And most importantly, we will tell you that we won! Ukraine will always be!"

So we wait to hear from our new friends and in the meantime send them all of our hopes and very best wishes. 

Organizer created on 10/24/2022 3:53:26 PM by Abigail Richardson

Last edited 11/7/2022 9:10:30 AM by Abigail Richardson