"To me, expanding consciousness is the path to true knowledge. The material you learn from books ultimately leads to an expanding consciousness."
Wim Hof standing in container full of ice cubesAad Villerius (www.flickr.com/photos/daaynos ) from OudBeijerland, Netherlands. [CC BY-SA 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)]Whether it be the frigid temperatures on top of Mount Everest or the barren Namib Desert, Wim Hof finds a way to withstand these conditions. Wim Hof is a Dutch athlete, also known as “The Iceman” for making many world records related to his ability to withstand abnormal weather conditions, usually pertaining to the cold. According to Wim Hof, one winter he looked out of his window and was mesmerized by a sleet of snow on the road. He decided to take a walk but had the sudden urge to take off his shoes and go barefooted. "That moment made a monumental impact in my life. The experience changed the way I thought about the cold. At the time, I couldn't understand how, but it changed the way I perceived it. It was my new friend” (Wim Hof). After his new understanding of the cold, Wim Hof risked his life to pursue his goals and even had people train under him. Wim Hof, the Dutch athlete, is a hero because of his beliefs, contributions to science, and influence.
Wim Hof’s teachings have been influential to people who want to succeed using his method. People who have been taught under Wim Hof have been able to perform similar feats to The Iceman: “In another experiment, practitioners of the Wim Hof Method were able to control their sympathetic nervous system and their immune response, while they were injected with an endotoxin. Trained participants showed fewer symptoms, lower levels of proinflammatory mediators, and increased levels of plasma epinephrine (“History of the Iceman”). Wim Hof’s teachings have proven that not only he could do it, but others can do it too. He was able to bring his methods to science. Hof was able to influence others with his method to give them the ability to withstand the endotoxin. The method doesn't require any fancy antics or food; all you need to do is breathe. By exhaling less than you're inhaling, this puts the method into motion. However, not only does his method work for others, but his beliefs have played a role in people’s lives: "I feel ready more than ever," Overeem said. "I am not getting any younger, and I need to take my opportunities. But my approach is great, and I have a full confidence in what I am doing" (Overeem). Overeem has a very strong martial arts career, but after losing a title, he reached out to Wim Hof and used his principles in training. Now, Overeem’s lungs have been developed to the point where he can hold his breath for three-and-a-half minutes comfortably. The positive effects that Wim Hof has done for people have been made possible by his methods and teachings.
Now, Wim Hof’s methods can be used to show off in abnormal stunts like enduring the cold. However, his methods may be able to make humans push their limits even further, more specifically, in their immune systems. Wim Hof’s website states that his method can help diminish effects of certain diseases: “The Wim Hof Method is even know to relieve symptoms of several diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, asthma, sarcoidosis, vasculitis, and several autoimmune diseases” (“History of The Iceman”). Wim Hof’s method is said to give people better control over their immune and nervous systems. According to “The Science Behind The Wim Hof Method,” the ability to voluntarily influence the nervous system was a feat that was considered impossible. Wim Hof’s method was groundbreaking, and ever since his first scientific analysis, researchers have taken interest into how it works. The way this works is related to the human body’s to release certain hormones and chemicals. “In 2011, he was injected with a bacterial endotoxin in an experiment that challenged our understanding of the nervous system. In normal humans the injection should cause a strong immune response leading to fever, chills, and headaches. But not in Wim. It appeared that he was somehow able to suppress his immune response by making his body secrete adrenaline” (“Inside the Superhuman World”). As shown, Hof was able to suppress the effects of the endotoxin with his method. As people get better in utilizing this, we may be able to suppress not only endotoxins but other diseases and symptoms.
Having better resistance to the cold and certain diseases is great and all, but someone may still feel fear in trying to replicate Wim Hof’s accomplishments. When climbing Mount Everest or running in the desert, one may fear that the elements may get the better of you, such as frostbite or heat stroke. However, Hof has come up with an understanding of fears and how to deal with the consequences that could even help other people. "Fear does not go away by itself. You have to confront your fear, mold it, then learn to control it in its own irrational reality. Every human being has the power to do just that. To go deep within and confront your inner being is a powerful act. Going deep and developing the will power is the only way" (Wim Hof). Wim Hof states that he believes that if you learn to encompass your fear and control it, the fear will go away over time. He believes that not only he can do it, but anyone else can too. Now, getting hurt is a very common fear due to the pain that one may experience. However, once again, Hof came up with an understanding of pain when he had a cramp while canyoning: "Out of options, I tried something new. I tried to think my cramp away. Visualizing the part of my leg that was throbbing, I began to loosen that area in my mind. Soon enough, the muscle in my leg began to relax. For the first time ever, I realized that I could consciously think away a muscle cramp. I believe it was a direct result of knowing the body with my mind" (Wim Hof). It was said that Wim Hof was ascending El Huso when all of the sudden his right calf developed a cramp. The pain was so bad that he was tempted to let go. Hof had one last resort, and that was to visualize his muscle loosening.
Wim Hof, also known as “The Iceman,” is shown to be heroic because of his influence on others, his advancements on the human body, and his beliefs. Not only is Hof able to accomplish numerous world records, but he’s also able to be an inspiration to others. He was able to push the human body’s limits by being able to control the nervous system, as well as help athletes pursue goals. “Like any other athlete, Wim subjected himself to rigorous training to prepare his body for achieving incredible feats. We could say that Wim is ruled by his drive to prove that humans can do better than what they think they are capable of doing” (“Wim Hof”). Personally, I have been implementing his breathing method into my athletic exercises, and it has been helping increase my stamina, beating my previous mile time by a few minutes. Wim Hof may have opened up a new door of possibilities for the human body.
Works Cited
Rogers, Martin. "Fighter turns to breathing guru." USA Today, 2 Mar. 2017, p. 05C. Biography In Context, https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A483869865/BIC?u=powa9245&sid=BIC&xid=e9b91e79. Accessed 21 Mar. 2019.
“The History Of The 'Iceman' Wim Hof | Wim Hof Method.” The History Of The 'Iceman' Wim Hof | Wim Hof Method, Wim Hof Method, www.wimhofmethod.com/iceman-wim-hof.
theXtraordinary. “Wim Hof.” TheXtraordinary, TheXtraordinary, www.thextraordinary.org/wim-hof#biography.
VICE, director. Inside the Superhuman World of the Iceman. YouTube, YouTube, 16 July 2015, www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaMjhwFE1Zw.
“The Science Behind The Wim Hof Method.” The Science Behind The Wim Hof Method, www.wimhofmethod.com/science.
Page created on 4/10/2019 6:13:39 PM
Last edited 4/11/2019 6:47:19 AM