
Winston Churchill

by Ben Hilton from Alberta

"To improve is to change, so to be perfect is to change often” -Winston Churchill

My Hero: Winston Churchill

By Ben

147982WebBen Hilton And MindMeister


Winston Churchill is a British hero, my book is he led the United Kingdom in World War II and gave inspiration to the British people.  My book is a biography book and is sixty-nine pages long. My book starts on November 30 1874 and goes until  1964 my book is written by the university press and written in 2021.

Winston Churchill was born at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. Winston's Dad was Lord Randolph Churchill and his mother was Lady Randolph Churchill. Winston's sibling was Jack Churchill. At age seven he was sent to boarding school, which he didn’t like. He enrolled in Harrow in 1888, but his entrance exam score was so bad they put him at the bottom of the class. Winston struggled in school, but he enjoyed History and English. He liked playing card games, tending to his goldfish, painting, and liked listening to music. Winston had a bad relationship with his parents and was raised mainly by nannies. Georges Clemenceau influenced Winston growing up, he admired how he championed his country and wanted peace. I think Winston dreamed of being a writer in the future, he enjoyed writing from a young age. Growing up Winston lived through a period of political uncertainty, which might have driven his political career.'


147997Winston ChurchillBen Hilton and Bletchley park

Winston Churchill was born at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. Winston's Dad was Lord Randolph Churchill and his mother was Lady Randolph Churchill. Winston's sibling was Jack Churchill. At age seven he was sent to boarding school, which he didn’t like. He enrolled in Harrow in 1888, but his entrance exam score was so bad they put him at the bottom of the class. Winston struggled in school, but he enjoyed History and English. He liked playing card games, tending to his goldfish, painting, and liked listening to music. Winston had a bad relationship with his parents and was raised mainly by nannies. Georges Clemenceau influenced Winston growing up, he admired how he championed his country and wanted peace. I think Winston dreamed of being a writer in the future, he enjoyed writing from a young age. Growing up Winston lived through a period of political uncertainty, which might have driven his political career.'

147983 Winston Churchill Ben Hilton

Winston Churchill was born at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. Winston's Dad was Lord Randolph Churchill and his mother was Lady Randolph Churchill. Winston's sibling was Jack Churchill. At age seven he was sent to boarding school, which he didn’t like. He enrolled in Harrow in 1888, but his entrance exam score was so bad they put him at the bottom of the class. Winston struggled in school, but he enjoyed History and English. He liked playing card games, tending to his goldfish, painting, and liked listening to music. Winston had a bad relationship with his parents and was raised mainly by nannies. Georges Clemenceau influenced Winston growing up, he admired how he championed his country and wanted peace. I think Winston dreamed of being a writer in the future, he enjoyed writing from a young age. Growing up Winston lived through a period of political uncertainty, which might have driven his political career.'

Winston had many challenges in his life such as World War 2 and the Cold War. He overcame this challenge when the Americans joined the war, they joined in 1941 after the Japanese bombed the American Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour. In 1941 the USSR also joined the war. After World War 2 Winston had to deal with the Cold War. He died in 1964 during the Cold War, which ended in 1991. Winston was very successful in leading the British people and was recognized as a successful world leader, this helped him to be re-elected multiple times and to lead the British people. Winston Churchill had many good qualities, such as his ability to lead and cooperate with other nations around the world, an example of this includes how he worked with other countries during World War 2 and the Cold War. He was an excellent public speaker, an example of this is his “We shall fight on the beaches” speech given to the Houses of Commons on 4th June 1940. One other quality was perseverance, an example of this is how he inspired soldiers during World War 2 with the quote “If you are going through hell, keep going”. One of Winston’s weaknesses was his stubbornness and his inability to listen to those around him, he was also well known as a racist. Winston Churchill was often seen with a chunky cigar in his hand or mouth and always wore a top hat, he also liked to drink whiskey and brandy. Winston suffered from mild depression throughout his life, his British Bulldog Rufus helped to lift his spirits. Winston received many honors and awards including a state funeral at St Paul's Cathedral. He was awarded 37 orders and medals between 1895 and 1964, 20 by the United Kingdom, 2 from Belgium, 2 from Denmark, 2 from Luxembourg, 2 from Spain, and one each from the Czech Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Libya, Nepal, Netherlands, Norway, and United States. He was also an honorary citizen of the United States of America and Paris. In 1922 he was named a Companion of Honour, in 1946 he became a member of the Order of Merit and in 1953 he was invested as Knight of the Garter.

Whilst reading this book I learned more about Winston Churchill, I’m very disappointed as I used to look up to Winston Churchill as a hero, however, I have discovered while reading the book that he was a racist!? If I was able to meet Winston Churchill the three questions I would ask him would be why was he racist,? How did he cope with World War 2,? and what he thought of world leaders like Stalin and Roosevelt. I would love to be Winston Churchill's child because I would get to talk to him all the time and ask him about World War 2 and explore Blenheim Palace, however, I would also not want to be his child as over the last 20 years there has been controversy over him being racist and rude. I think the book was great it told me about Winston Churchill's life and what he did in his life I learned from the book that Winston had a brother named Jack Churchill I also learned that Winston lived in Blenheim Palace. Lessons I learned in my life are to never give up and to always believe in yourself. I think others would like to read this book if they are a big fan of World War 2 or interested in British History or politics. I’m happy I choose to learn about Winston Churchill because he has always been a hero to me and a person I sometimes look up to. After reading the book I still look up to Winston Churchill as a hero because he saved the British people.

Page created on 5/4/2022 3:25:56 PM

Last edited 5/12/2022 11:50:03 AM

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Related Links

Winston Churchill wiki - Wiki
Winston Churchill's life - His life
Winston Churchill Nobel Prize - Nobel Prize
Winston Churchill biography - Biography
Winston Churchill timeline - A timeline