President Woodrow Wilson was a very good man. He guided us through World War One and led us to victory.
The reason that World War One started was because there were lots of disagreements among different countries. On February 1916, the Battle of Verdun began, and the French and Germans started to fight along the Meuse River. There were horrible losses on both sides. They went all through spring and into June. The reason that the United States entered the war was because Germany torpedoed one of the United States unarmed merchant ships without warning.
One of the things that Woodrow Wilson accomplished while he was president was he started the Federal Reserve System. He started an alliance with South America. He had a careful course steering with Mexico because they had a problem with them before, and they were trying to clear it up. He also led the League of Nations, and made many accomplishments. He did many good things when he was President.
The year before Woodrow Wilson retired, he had received the Nobel Peace Prize, a tribute from the people of Europe. On November 11, 1923, people said that this would be the last time people would hear about him. Wilson's eyes were not corresponding to him and it was very bad. On January 1924, his condition grew worse, and on Sunday morning, February 3, 1924, Woodrow Wilson slept for his last time, and would not wake up anymore.
Page created on 4/25/2004 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 4/25/2004 12:00:00 AM