World Food Day Lesson Plan 

Multimedia Resources and Lesson Plan for Elementary, Middle and High School Students. Includes discussion questions and learning outcomes.

World Food Day Lesson Plan
Credit: MY HERO


The 20213 theme of World Food Day is "Water is life, water is food. Leave no one behind."

Using MY HERO Multimedia Resources enriches student learning:

SDG #2: No Hunger: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

SDG #6: Clean Water and Sanitation: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all. 

The following films illustrate the importance of access to clean water. 

Water Crisis in our community

By: Abdulai Bangura


Students watch one or all of the following films before considering the discussion questions and activities. 


Growing a Healthy Community

Produced by:Light House Studio

A documentary about Growing for CHANGE made by students in the Westhaven Community.

Taaru Askan

Producer: Nicole Dewing and Hamza Azeroual

A 5-minute video on the mission and the activities of Taaru Askan Organic Farm in Senegal, West Africa.

Edible City - Joy Moore

Produced by:Andrew Hasse

Food activist Joy Moore, teaches gardening and nutrition to high schoolers at Berkeley Technology Academy.

Mother Porridge

Fary Sakho
MAIMOUNA FALL is known as Mother Porridge in her village in Senegal.

The following film highlighting youth activist Sophie Healy-Thow is recommended for high school and college students. 

Interview with Youth Activist Sophie Healy-Thow

Kitty Richardson

Discussion Questions and Activities

1. Do you know someone who fights hunger in your community? Share their story with MY HERO.

2. How does having access to fresh vegetables and fruit improve a person's life?  

3. Does your school or community have a garden to grow vegetables? If so, share the story with MY HERO. If not, what can you do to start a garden at school? Talk to your teachers, create an action plan, get support, and share your efforts with MY HERO. 

4. Research organizations and people who are working to fight hunger around the world. Who do you admire and why? Share the story of your hero with MY HERO. 

5. Research sustainable farming practices globally and their impact on a community.

MY HERO Suggested Video

"Athletic, Concerned College Students Deliver 626,000+ lbs of Produce to Food Banks in Need" (2020) by The Farm Link Project

Get involved at FarmLink.org


The following stories and films are appropriate for middle and high school students. 

 Students read the following stories that provide inspiring examples of individuals working to end hunger and consider the discussion questions and activities. 

Two stories are available in text and audio, so students can listen to the story as they read. Great for ESL/ELL students and emerging readers.

Farm2People: Eric Holdener and Anna Hopkins

By: Shannon Luders-Manuel
Farm2People is a nonprofit that works to deliver produce to food insecure areas of Los Angeles County in the wake of COVID-19.

Daniel Goldberg

By: MY HERO Staff
Daniel Goldberg, a Santa Barbara teen, created "Zoomers to Boomers" a collection of Gen Z shoppers who bring groceries to the Boomer generation during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Marcus Samuelsson

By: Jane Wallace from New York

Marcus Samuelsson is an Ethiopian-born, Swedish-raised chef and restaurant owner who focuses on the food needs of the world.

Jon Bon Jovi

By: Staff

The Soul foundation runs two "JBJ Soul Kitchens" in New Jersey. At these nonprofit, community restaurants, diners pay for their "farm-to-table" meals by volunteering or giving a donation.

Listen and Read Along: Stories with text and audio

Sarah Ramirez

By: Jacob from Mission Viejo
Sarah Ramirez works with local food banks, where food is distributed to impoverished people all across the community.

Robin Emmons

By: Sydney from Roseville
Robin Emmons is an organic farmer who has created a foundation to fight hunger.

The story about Robin Emmons has been translated to Spanish

Robin Emmons (español)

By: Sydney de Roseville
“La comida saludable es un derecho humano básico.” – Robin Emmons

Resources for Upper Elementary Students

John Chapman (Johnny Appleseed)

By: Jacob from Westerville
John Chapman (Johnny Appleseed) is a much loved American hero and legend.


Elementary-age students are encouraged to use the story written by an upper elementary student about Johnny Appleseed as a model to write about their hero, along with original illustrations, to submit to MY HERO.



This film appropriate for upper elementary students illustrates the environmental effects of meat consumption. It shows that the youth, the people who are going to take care of the earth next, are going to face serious environmental issues and we need to make a difference.


Feed the Future

Natalie Wylie

Illustrates the environmental effects of meat consumption, emphasising the strain it will cause for future generations.

Food and Agriculture of the United Nations Activity Book for Students

Students learn more about the importance of World Food Day with this activity book (FAO. 2021. Activity Book – Our actions are our future. Better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life. Rome). Follow the journey of food from the farm to your table and the great efforts food heroes make to get it there, no matter the circumstances. And find out how your choices and actions can make a difference. No matter your age, you can be a food hero!

UN Activity Book – Our actions are our future
Credit: FAO. 2021. Activity Book – Our actions are our future. Better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life. Rome. https://doi.org/10.4060/ cb5047en

Posters and Artwork that illustrate the concerns about our food today


Students analyze the following artwork and posters that demonstrate concerns about food and hunger. 


Hungry? October 16 is World Food Day

By: unknown

Farmers Feeding the World

By: AgWeb

Know Your Seafood- Sustainable fish choices

By: One World One Ocean

Zapatista Women, Roots to Resistance Postcard & Poster Campaign

By: Denise Beaudet

Students are invited to create posters to submit to MY HERO and hang in their school, in order to educate others about food issues, such as hunger, healthy food options and sustainable farming. 

Students can share their Hero Essays, Films and Art through our Create Program

How to use MY HERO's Create Program to Publish Stories, Art, Film and Audio for Students

Tutorial for students: Publish written stories, film, original artwork and audio in MY HERO's multimedia library.

Create Program
Credit: MY HERO


Learning Outcomes

Students will identify people in their community and around the world working to end hunger. Students will develop research skills as they explore heroes making advancements in sustainable farming and ending hunger



Laura Nietzer

The World Food Day lesson plan was created by MY HERO Education Outreach Director Laura Nietzer.

MY HERO Calendars for use in the Classroom

MY HERO's Teachers Calendar Features Lesson Plans and Multimedia Resources

Teachers Calendar
Credit: MY HERO

Learn about a New Hero Every Day of the Year: Use the MY HERO Calendar in the Classroom


UN Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger
Credit: UN
Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN
Credit: FAO

Organizer created on 9/6/2019 2:58:44 PM by Laura Nietzer

Last edited 10/17/2024 9:52:20 AM by Laura Nietzer