Amid the ongoing coranavirus pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci has delivered Americans everywhere scientifically correct research surrounding the pandemic...
Mariah Rose Faith on Mental Health (4:12)
By: Kitty Richardson
Additional Films
Sasa (7:08)
Produced by:Diane Namm
A young doctor in Burma begins a medical revolution.
Winner of The People's Choice Award.
A Moment of Compassion (13:46)
Brenda Goodman
Dr. Patricia Gonzalez-Zuniga and her team of American and Mexican interns and residents provide care and compassion.
Baby Malick and Federica (4:41)
Cheikh Darou Seck
This video is about the heart disease and miraculous recovery of my baby boy, Serigne Malick Seck.
Dr. Paul Farmer
By: Joyce from San Diego
Dr. Paul Farmer has dedicated his life to treating people in the poorest nations in the world. He also persuaded the World Health Organization to take a "community-based approach" to healthcare.
Marcus Rashford MBE - Football Hero and Hunger Campaigner
By: Abigail Richardson
Marcus Rashford is an England Premiere League footballer who rose to fame playing for Manchester United and England and more recently for his work with FareShare[i] to help tackle childhood hunger in the UK.
Shomy Hasan Chowdhury
By: Dorothy Lie
Shomy Hasan Chowdhury created the WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) organization, for which she received an Diana Award, to combat deadly diarrhea in underserved communities.
Listen and Read Along Stories
Robin Lim
By: Wendy Jewell
Robin Lim
devotes her life to improving the birth experience so that all humans are born with an intact capacity to love.
Florence Ngobeni
By: Jerrilyn Jacobs
Florence Ngobeni is an HIV/AIDS educator and Ambassador for the Elizabeth Glazer Pediatric AIDS Foundation.
Clara Barton
By: Abbey Baxter Burks
Clara Barton
was known as the 'Angel of the Battlefield.'
Health Heroes during the Coronavirus Pandemic are highlighted through art, films and stories created by students and professionals.
Saba's hero is her aunt, a physician in Tehran, during the coronavirus. Read her story and view her film.
Dr. Sharareh Majd (1:13)
Saba Mosfehi
My Coronavirus Hero: My Aunt
By: Saba Mosshefi
Saba's hero is her aunt, a physician in Tehran who is treating patients with COVID-19.
Art Celebrating Healthcare Heroes During the Coronavirus
Super Nurse
Credit: IamFake
RN Healthcare Worker
Credit: Jorge Garza
Mother Earth Save Us
Credit: Irene Tessa
Nurse and World
Credit: Heather Strazza
Covid Superheroes
By: Jamie Park
High school student artist Jamie Park from New York City, New York
Credit: Sarina Vaziri
Hoorain Amjad Artwork
Credit: Hoorain Amjad
We Can Build a Covid Free World If We Unite
By: Matthew Yi
We are Invincible
By: Angelina Hao
Heroes fighting against the coronavirus. Although we do not have magic, we are invincible as long as we believe in ourselves.
Always with You
By: Deepshikha De
MY HERO Calendars for use in the Classroom
MY HERO's Teachers Calendar Features Lesson Plans and Multimedia Resources
MY HERO Teachers Calendar
Credit: MY HERO
Learn about a New Hero Every Day of the Year: Use the MY HERO Calendar in the Classroom
Credit: MY HERO
Who is Your Health Hero?
Use the Create Program to submit stories, art, short films, or audio honoring your health hero.
How to use MY HERO's Create Program to Publish Stories, Art, Film and Audio for Students
Tutorial for students: Publish written stories, film, original artwork and audio in MY HERO's multimedia library.
Create Program
Credit: MY HERO
The World Health Day lesson plan was curated by MY HERO Education Outreach Director Laura Nietzer.