World Honey Bee Day

Celebrated on the third Saturday of August, World Honey Bee Day is a day to recognize the contribution that honey bees make to our everyday lives, as well as learning about the different steps that we can take in order to protect this vital species. 

The Decline of the Bee Population

Bees are essential to our daily lives, yet their populations are declining worldwide due to various threats. One major threat is the use of toxic pesticides. Additionally, habitat loss from invasive farming methods and urban development has reduced the natural homes of honey bees.

In honor of World Honey Bee Day, it's important to raise awareness about the risks honey bees face and the steps we can take to help them. By educating ourselves and others, we can all contribute to reversing the decline and supporting bee populations.



By: Carol
PSA made by 5th grade student about bees and their impact on the environment.

Rewilding Honeybees

By: Cameron Nielsen
Progressive conservationist Michael Thiele is “re-wilding” honey bees — introducing swarms to habitats that are more conducive to the instinctive preferences that allow them to thrive.

BYkids: Beekeeper (trailer)

By: Keith Griffith III
15-year-old Keith Griffith III developed an interest in beekeeping at age 11 when both of his parents were incarcerated.

Los Guardianes

By: Kira O'Boyle
Two brothers in Mexico work to conserve the ancient Maya practice of raising stingless bees.

The Health Benefits Of Honey

There are a lot of nutritional benefits that are associated with adding honey to your diet. High-quality honey offers a number of benefits because of the antioxidants that are included. These include phenolic compounds, such as flavonoids, as well as organic acids. The antioxidants that are found in honey have been linked to lowering the risk of strokes, heart attacks, and some forms of cancer. They are also believed to assist in terms of eye health. There have also been studies that have shown that honey can help to improve your cholesterol levels.

Honey cannot only benefit you in terms of consuming it, but it has been used for many years as a topical treatment for healing burns and wounds. In fact, this can be dated back to Ancient Egypt. Researchers have concluded that the healing powers of honey come from the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects it has, as well as its ability to nourish the tissue that surrounds the wounded area.


Mikaila Ulmer: The Young Bee Ambassador

By: Abigail Richardson
Mikaila Ulmer, was 4 when she started her own brand of honey lemonade, which would become Me & the Bees Lemonade, inspired by her great-grandmother’s recipe. I

'Los Guardianes' directed by Kira O' Boyle

By: Naomi Gledhill
'Los Guardianes' wins in the high school documentary category at the 2023 MY HERO International Film Festival.

Chelsea and Rob McFarland

By: Daniel B. Wood<br> Staff Writer of <br>The Christian Science Monitor<br> <h5...
Chelsea and Rob McFarland lure people into a sweet science: urban beekeeping.

Andrew Cote roams the world to teach the sweet science of beekeeping

By: Cathryn J. Prince <br>Correspondent of <br>The Christian Science Monitor<br>...
Andrew Coté founded the nonprofit Beekeepers Without Borders to teach beekeeping as a way to fight poverty.

Morgan Freeman is a Savior to the Bees

Morgan Freeman

By: Arian Goran




Don’t Step on a Bee Day

Did you know that in the UK, July 10th is nominated as “Don’t Step on a Bee Day”. Though it might sound quirky, this day aims to raise awareness about the crucial role bees play as pollinators in our gardens. To support this cause, we are encouraged to reduce the use of harmful pesticides and create bee-friendly environments by planting flowers that attract bees, such as lavender, sunflowers, thyme, and buddleia. Bees and other pollinators like butterflies help pollinate a significant portion of the world’s food crops and are vital to our ecosystems. Gardenings are asked to consider lining a pathway with lavender plants to enjoy their fragrance as you walk by. As we have learned, honey, produced by bees, is renowned for its healing properties, including benefits for digestive health, skincare, antioxidant properties, wound healing, and relief from sore throats and coughs.

Organizer created on 7/21/2024 10:27:50 AM by Abigail Richardson

Last edited 7/21/2024 11:06:33 AM by Abigail Richardson